Example sentences of "[Wh det] affect they " in BNC.

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1 To this centre people would come from different parts to learn from each other about issues which affect them all in everyday life .
2 Employees will have new rights to be consulted and informed about decisions which affect them , as well as the right to union membership and representation .
3 The latter now hold expectations that they are entitled to know about matters which affect them , their jobs and their lives .
4 Are people more or less ‘ in the know ’ about the external circumstances which affect them than they used to be ?
5 She connects psychological variables like parental contact and control , extended family and peer care and contact , the girls ' autonomy and responsibility , their hostility and suspicion towards the world , and their early sense of themselves as adult women rather than children , to specific social , political and economic oppressions which affect them .
6 That is not to say , however , that these elections are irrelevant to the cultural life of each nation : there are ideas in play which affect them very profoundly .
7 As Maria Luisa de Rojas , one of the founding members of AMES explained , many women are frightened of joining an overtly political organization but are prepared to organize with other women around issues which affect them immediately .
8 Power of this kind can be defined as ‘ the scope of significant choice open to [ an actor ] … his power over others is the scope of his choices which affect them significantly ’ .
9 Interest groups , such as those consisting of businessmen , trade unionists , citizens who promote the interests of the homeless or the mentally handicapped , may further the views and interests of citizens in policy areas which affect them .
10 making UK local authorities aware of European and international affairs which affect them ;
11 Finally , if we are to imagine an organisation in which information is widely diffused , where the members of that organisation are aware of both the volume of data held about them and the decision making processes based on that information which affect them , then two factors are essential .
12 6.3 Involving students in the decisions which affect them is valuable for personal development as well as a powerful motivating factor .
13 Democratic autonomy , which would specify conditions for the active participation of citizens in decisions which affect them , is Held 's Ideal .
14 We will continue , we will continue , you 've lied before and you 'll lie again , and we will continue to consult widely with the electorate and the Trade Unions on local economy , on the local economy that brings in financial matters which affect them .
15 Children have rights to health , education , to be free from physical and sexual abuse , to have a voice in the decisions which affect them and to grow up as responsible and active citizens but in many countries today many children stoo still do not enjoy these rights .
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