Example sentences of "[Wh det] belongs to " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
2 Surtax , profits tax , fuel tax — none of them , not even Schedule A of the income tax , has achieved the independent existence and power of survival which belongs to an institution .
3 This person , I thought , is what a woman should look like : this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing selfconsciousness the very essence of femininity , the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother , sister , wife , daughter , the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic , the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance , the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet , napalms distant villages , pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence .
4 ‘ This person , I thought , is what a woman should look like : this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing self-consciousness the very essence of femininity , the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother , sister , wife , daughter , the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic , the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance , the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet , napalms distant villages , pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence .
5 He urged them to act decisively for ‘ the inviolable right to life , which belongs to every person from conception until life 's natural end ’ .
6 Far from undermining the adoptive relationship , his keeping in touch with his relatives often strengthens it : the child knows that his adopting parents accept not only him but that which belongs to him and thus acceptance has a broader , surer meaning ( p. 333 ) .
7 It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction .
8 The warehouse , which belongs to the university , had something no other laboratory had : the country 's first large shaking table .
9 You 'll find an empty bed over there which belongs to a chap in sick quarters .
10 Among cars currently on display is the late Hugh Hunter 's Siddeley , nicknamed Daisy ( he left £20,000 to the museum which is being used to refurbish the Campbell Shed ) , and the Duesenberg which belongs to Denis Jenkinson ( ‘ Jenks ’ of Motor Sport fame ) .
11 The Town Trail attempts to link the long history of Northampton and present you , the visitor , with a taste of the heritage which belongs to this handsome town . .
12 A few phylloxera-free areas , like this small patch outside Bouzy ( right ) which belongs to Bollinger , do exist , however .
13 Incidentally , Bert 's Golden Höfner was number 13 , and the one here , which belongs to Höfner aficionado Gordon Giltrap , has number 16 on its label …
14 This month 's lucky number , drawn from our list of subscribers is , which belongs to Mrs M Archer of Newcastle upon Tyne .
15 There will be a chance to visit and automobile museum which belongs to the Tatra Autoworks in Koprivnice .
16 But Williams steps aside for the second half which belongs to De Niro .
17 which belongs to the table
18 which belongs to the floorboards .
19 The sinner is thereby declared righteous , not because he or she was innocent of the charges brought against them , but because of the righteousness which belongs to Christ and is bestowed on them .
20 That only leaves the one at the far end , which belongs to a couple who plan to retire here in the spring .
21 And at the same time , she must distinguish her own from that which belongs to others , separate it , examine it and , if necessary , cherish it , as she must cherish anything which tells her who she is , anything which belongs to her alone .
22 And at the same time , she must distinguish her own from that which belongs to others , separate it , examine it and , if necessary , cherish it , as she must cherish anything which tells her who she is , anything which belongs to her alone .
23 She had to carry along a spare one which belongs to her mum yesterday , in case the one she has had since 1984 became damaged .
24 The person responsible for discovering the existence of these drawings and for encouraging Noel Alexandre to publish the account of his father 's friendship with Modigliani is the Belgian , Jan Martens , head of the publishing house Fonds Mercator , which belongs to the financial group of Banque Paribas .
25 At Renn , Espace d'Art Contemporain ( which belongs to cinema producer Claude Berri ) the Yves Klein show continues .
26 Slavery 's denial of the full ‘ creatureliness ’ of human beings , in the words of Leicester abolitionists its annihilation of ‘ the dignity which belongs to a reasonable and accountable nature ’ , constituted one aspect in this religious perspective on its inhumanity .
27 Then comes the famous Cerveteri tomb of Regolini Galassi , which belongs to the following period , when oriental influence was strong .
28 Family Allowance as it stands at present is for many women the only money we have which belongs to us by right .
29 The subject of this airtest report is Apache G-ARJU which belongs to Graham Manley , a keen aviator who keeps his pride and joy at Biggin Hill .
30 In his paper ‘ Analysis Terminable and Interminable ’ ( 1937 ) , which belongs to the same period of Freud 's life as Moses and Monotheism , Freud writes about the way in which nearly all women patients show signs of wishing to be men , and men seek to avoid taking a passive attitude towards other men , including a male therapist .
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