Example sentences of "[Wh det] are scattered " in BNC.

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1 Tomorrow they will go back to their units , Which are scattered from Hong Kong to Berlin , Northern Ireland and all over Great Britain .
2 There is a statue of I.K. Brunel in the new town centre at Swindon ( q.v. ) and another on London 's Victoria Embankment , but his real monuments are the great engineering works still in use which are scattered through this book .
3 ‘ The first command was ‘ Let the gases which are scattered throughout space be collected together and with them let worlds be formed ’ , then the gases were brought together into whirling circulating masses [ Nebulae ] . ’
4 Your skin is being bombarded with sunrays which are scattered and reflected off other surfaces .
5 In more recent times , the present owners turned the old peasants ' houses , which are scattered all over the estate , into pleasant apartments .
6 Capture the feeling of the city from the network of canals which thread their way through the city , visit some of the hundreds of temples which are scattered everywhere , and do n't miss the bustling floating markets .
7 Radar is a technique whereby an object is investigated by beaming at it a short pulse of radio waves some of which are scattered by the object and picked up by a detector .
8 Marx 's own theory of the class struggle was hardly more than sketched , in occasional passages which are scattered throughout his writings , and it was never presented in a systematic way .
9 Zack must find his tools which are scattered around the factory .
10 Mr Jackson , who lives in Green Lane , Barnard Castle , believes a folk museum would be an ideal way of collecting records on the town which are scattered throughout archives in the North East .
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