Example sentences of "[that] had belonged " in BNC.

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1 She went to bed in her own room , still full of pictures and possessions that had belonged to a previous and vanished Phoebe .
2 But a short fur jacket that had belonged to Faith , one which fitted Kathleen and which she had looked forward to wearing the following winter , that had gone from its polythene bag in Faith 's wardrobe .
3 Then they tried to persuade me to part with the silver and everything else that had belonged to my husband .
4 Short trousers , grubby knees , odd socks , and a pair of indescribable shoes that had belonged to his elder brother , completed the picture of a happy child , unlikely to be able to spell simple words like ‘ class ’ for a very long time .
5 eight-year-old Max discovers the wooden toy-soldiers that had belonged to the Brontë children .
6 The red bitch was the seventh in a line of dogs that had belonged to Kalchu 's family since his grandfather had brought the first one back from Tibet some forty years previously .
7 Above them was a trilby that had belonged to Peter 's father .
8 A few of Richard 's toys were there as well , and some that had belonged to Kate .
9 There was her jewellery , the Grenfell emeralds that had belonged to her mother , they were hers , hers to sell if she so chose .
10 He had met Mr George Singleton two years ago in Petticoat Lane , at a stall that sold knick-knacks , bits and pieces , and other oddments that appealed to people with a passion for collecting things , particularly things that had belonged — or might have belonged — to a figure of history .
11 It , and two cut-down companion panels in the Capilla Real , Granada , were thought to be originals by van der Weyden of an altarpiece that had belonged to Queen Isabella of Spain , while another version , in the Gemäldegalerie , Berlin , was dismissed as a workshop copy .
12 Sharpe shook the bundle loose to reveal that it was a dark blue woollen cloak lined with scarlet silk , a luxury that had belonged to Lucille 's husband .
13 She settled the squirrel evening cape that had belonged to her mother on top of her light summer coat , then walked in and asked to see Mrs O'Dare .
14 Constance frequently reiterated that she would never buy anything that had belonged to somebody else , that meant something to them , that had been warm against their skin or over the fireplace : only brand-new articles , the stuff of commerce in transit between factory and store , the owners of which already had more money than was good for them and were themselves no better than they should be .
15 By dint of some speedy alterations by Taheb 's dressmaker , Huy was able to wear a kilt and shirt that had belonged to Taheb 's late husband , his friend Amotju .
16 ‘ You said you had nothing that had belonged to your father ! ’ he accused savagely .
17 There were still odd things round the house that had belonged to his father , but which were now Stuart 's .
18 Rogers produced a flask that had belonged to Church , and they circulated this while the appalling display went on. ,
19 In May and June 1945 de Gaulle clashed with the Americans over the presence of French troops in Alpine regions that had belonged to Italy before the war .
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