Example sentences of "[not/n't] confined to " in BNC.

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1 The FPC 's power to limit the use of deputising services is not confined to conditions which bear on the service 's capacity to provide an adequate service .
2 Lingering resistance was not confined to Siberia .
3 The Association 's welfare support is not confined to its membership but extends also to serving and ex-Air Force non-members and their dependants .
4 This fear of American inroads into areas that Britain used to control effortlessly was not confined to civil aviation ; the British also resented the activity of US oil companies in the Middle East , and US attempts to break into the British-dominated international rubber market and the sterling bloc .
5 Kemp 's difficulty in defining ‘ science ’ and ‘ art ’ is not confined to his discussion of the earlier period .
6 The aerodynamic development is clearly not confined to the bodywork .
7 Hooliganism is more habitual and more fully developed in Britain than elsewhere , but it is not confined to Britain .
9 But in a week that marked the opening of the campaign for February 's elections , the red dizziness was not confined to restaurants .
10 But in a week that marked the opening of the campaign for February 's elections , the red dizziness was not confined to restaurants .
11 His parliamentary interventions were not confined to property , housing and environmental questions .
12 Lord Boyd-Carpenter said that criticism was unhappily ‘ not confined to the other side ’ and it would be many years before the scheme would bear fruit .
13 These difficulties are most obvious in America , but they are not confined to it .
14 the notion of a corporate personality is not confined to law .
15 While bathroom humour is certainly not confined to the UK , it certainly seems to thrive here .
16 This anthropocentric attitude is not confined to protestants alone .
17 The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour 's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone .
18 Its great merit is that it is not confined to particular activities , and therefore has an across-the-board application to different sources of endangerment .
19 The impurity is not confined to the actual time of bleeding , but continues for seven days beyond the last sign of vaginal blood , thus effectively confining women to this state of impurity for twelve to fifteen days of the month .
20 Strong perfume is not confined to old-fashioned roses or particular colours , nor is it consistent : warmth and the age of the bloom both affect its strength .
21 Charlemagne 's self-image was not confined to David .
22 Of course cliques centred on ministers are not confined to Nonconformists and Spurgeon 's plain speaking was in the tradition of Bunyan and before him of generations of mediaeval preachers .
23 This liberalizing trend was , of course , not confined to Nonconformity and marked the Church of England as well : witness the fierce debates over the doctrine of eternal punishment , the recitation of the Athanasian Creed and the verbal inspiration of the Old Testament .
24 Sadly , it was not confined to writers and artists , for though it may be unfair to blame Nietzsche for his appropriation by Nazi ideologues , there is no question but that his doctrine of the superman and his apparent anti-semitism provided them with fertile soil .
25 The significance of the Board 's policy was not confined to the District .
26 The problem is not confined to the stream however .
27 Simply by putting relatively isolated community groups together Highlander is able to convey a sense of purpose to these groups which springs from the confidence gained by the realisation that their problems are not confined to themselves , nor in most cases caused by any deficiency or fault of their own , but are rather due to outside forces of oppression which are also being used against other people in other communities .
28 The Gardeners Dictionary was not confined to English readers ; it was first translated into Dutch in 1745 , an indication of the author 's close association with Holland .
29 From this brief survey it will be seen that Miller 's judgment was not confined to , nor his expertise solely directed towards , blooms of roses , ; rather he considered them as shrubs , studying their form of growth and additional bonus of foliage and fruit .
30 What had not been realised by all concerned was the fearful advance in the scientific methods of waging war — no longer was war a man to man affair — men could be destroyed in hundreds from a distance and that ability was not confined to one side alone .
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