Example sentences of "[not/n't] be adequately " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there was considerable anxiety among advisers that they would not be adequately prepared for the changeover .
2 However , successful regeneration can not be adequately defined in solely physical terms .
3 The following response : ‘ Topics which can not be adequately covered by the Council 's training policy ’ was rare .
4 They can not be adequately explored here , but practitioners are urged to read Greengross ' book and to consider the position of old people with whom they work .
5 Granted structures of the Prisoners ' Dilemma type , cooperative behaviour can be secured only granted a certain level of assurance , and the need of norms ( in particular of sanctioned norms ) to produce that assurance shows that the assurance can not be adequately delivered by genetically based signals .
6 The activity of psychoanalysis in the therapeutic setting can not be adequately grasped and stated in mechanistic , quantitative terms .
7 With the reservation , following Bolton , ‘ that a small firm could not be adequately defined in terms of employment or assets , turnover or any other arbitrary single quantity , nor would the same definition be appropriate through the economy ’ , we can adopt with him an upper limit of 200 employees for small manufacturing firms ; and note that , in 1963 , when he adopted that limit , the average number of people employed in such a firm was 25 .
8 ( vi ) Style is relatively transparent or opaque : transparency implies paraphrasability ; opacity implies that a text can not be adequately paraphrased , and that interpretation of the text depends greatly on the creative imagination of the reader .
9 The chief difference between this and literature is that the stylistic values of literature can not be adequately explained ill terms of a need-oriented view of language .
10 The language of urban people , to the extent that it is ‘ modified ’ , is modified vernacular : it can not be adequately explained in terms of modifications to the ‘ standard ’ ( in which many speakers show no interest at all ) .
11 The unique militancy of Russia 's working class , then , can not be adequately explained by reference to the deprivation among workers , to the prominence among them of rural migrants , or to the leadership provided by the Bolshevik party .
12 Moreover , Bradley continues , the specific nature of cultural goods , which Adorno recognizes , can not be adequately covered by his argument that the apparent use-value of popular music ( its ‘ immediacy ’ , its status as ‘ art ’ and as a repository of ‘ human ’ feeling , and so on ) is an illusion which actually functions in the service of exchange-value ( it is an aspect of what people buy ) .
13 It can be argued that the interests of the various groups affected by company decision making — employees , local communities , consumers , and all of us , through our interest in the environment , for example — are invested with a moral significance that can not be adequately captured within the relatively finite external legal controls that are currently relied on to regulate the terms on which wealth is created .
14 The real problems are the need for assessment at all , and that doctors who undertake the responsibility may not be adequately trained ( or experienced ) for the task .
15 Yet , a full picture of Arab political humour truly reflecting the psychology , thought and politics of the Arab peoples can not be adequately drawn without covering the entire span of Arab history , at least from the rise of Islam .
16 28–1 At a congregation meeting they resolved that , as under present circumstances the Spiritual and moral interests of the congregation and the large outlying population can not be adequately attended to while Bowmore remains a mere station of the church , seeing that when probationers and Deputies of the Church come their stay is but temporary and quite insufficient for the necessities of the place , that an effort be made to raise the contributions of the congregation to an amount which might warrant the Presbytery to recommend to the Assembly that Bowmore be made a regularly sanctioned charge .
17 The latter can not be adequately transmitted in seminars alone : the course will also offer direct school experience and the opportunity to work alongside British teacher-trainees .
18 Moreover , analysis of the actions of these complex groups is essential to an understanding of policy-making in government : ‘ The behaviors that constitute the process of government can not be adequately understood apart from the groups , especially the organised and potential interest groups , which are operative at any point in time ’ .
19 There will be a few overcast or windless days when the batteries will not be adequately recharged and a traditional generator will have to be called upon , but in the time they are charging , wind generators and solar panels will easily pay for themselves in saved fuel costs .
20 The present attitude of the courts towards judicial review can not be adequately understood unless some idea is conveyed of eighteenth and nineteenth century case law .
21 The Secretary of State argued , inter alia , that the selection process necessary now that the grammar schools were to be retained could not be adequately organised within the available time , and that this was unreasonable behaviour within section 68 .
22 It can not be adequately described .
23 The seller will of course wish to restrict these conditions as far as possible and sometimes the conditions are restricted to events which fundamentally affect the business or value of the offeree and which can not be adequately compensated by an offer of financial or other compensation which the seller may be prepared to make .
24 As psychologists will readily admit , such scales are unreliable at the extremes because the cases they measure are so rare that the scales can not be adequately calibrated .
25 Since a high proportion , normally at or near 100 per cent , of their work was in teacher education , looking at BEd proposals meant in fact judging the institution as a whole , and the CNAA knew from the outset that many of the colleges hoping for validation would not be adequately staffed , experienced and resourced to teach at degree level .
26 This class , whatever we call it , can not be properly understood and its historic role can not be adequately explained , outside the necessity that produces the eternal contradiction of capitalist accumulation on a mass scale .
27 When the stricture could not be adequately dilated and there was minimal or no improvement in symptoms , the response was considered ‘ poor ’ .
28 Chaucer 's art of ambiguity in presenting his Canterbury pilgrims balances the levels at which they are bonded by the literal and figurative goals of their journey and stereotyped by their social functions , with an awareness of an individual reality which can not be adequately contained by either .
29 Mrs Maginnis voiced concern that the Government would repeat the mistakes of previous primary language projects in the 1960s , and that the programme would not be adequately resourced .
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