Example sentences of "[vb -s] emerged from " in BNC.

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1 Yet vestigial gestures towards value persist , usually at the end of an exposition , where the critic in a final flourish claims , or at least hopes , that something valuable has emerged from the analysis ; a revelation of the quality of the author 's imagination ; or of the inevitable tendency of all texts to be about their own processes of composition , or to come apart in the reader 's hand ; or of the aesthetic fascination of the patterns of imagery that have been revealed ; or , at the very least , and least interestingly , that something ‘ interesting ’ will have been said .
2 Three days after the coup , the provisional picture which has emerged from carefully phrased official clarifications , and unofficial leaks , is that the Bush administration did not initiate the rebellion but knew about it at least two days in advance and had promised , or at least hinted at , limited support .
3 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
4 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
5 The overall picture which has emerged from the analyses is of more or less consistent use of the same marble quarry for the same elements of the monument , but that a variety of marble types were selected for different purposes .
6 Although no clear consensus has emerged from these discussions , one idea in particular has acquired a sizeable following .
7 The turbulence will be all the greater because of the confusions of the underlying thinking as it has emerged from the political process .
8 But all that has emerged from Whitehall so far is rumours of interdepartmental conflict over the report .
9 The plan which has emerged from my visit and subsequent discussions is based on needs and conditions in Lesotho , but certain issues are of wider relevance .
10 Similar criticism has emerged from elsewhere , such as in Sweden where the so-called SCAFT guidelines for the layout of residential neighbourhoods on traffic segregation principles have led to ‘ dull residential areas ’ with operating difficulties for public transport services .
11 Grubby brown chipboard has emerged from under the designer fitted units and the cobalt blue Mexican tiles appear to have rusted .
12 What has emerged from the studies examined in this paper is that workers are forced to take up an unsophisticated dependent position in the social organization of their enterprise .
13 In the last couple of years , Paul Merton has emerged from a tidal wave of British comic talent , that swelled at the beginning of the Eighties and continues to rain all around us , and has done so on a laugh raft all of his own .
14 BRITAIN 's biggest baker , Ranks Hovis McDougal , has emerged from the first half of 1992 much slimmer .
15 Latest news from the expedition to climb Ultar , Pakistan 's highest unclimbed summit at nearly 7,300 metres , is that while no result has emerged from the tussle with the main objective , Mick Fowler and Craig Jones have made the first British ascents of Bublimiting ( 5,750 metres ) and Hunza Peak ( 6,250 metres ) .
16 Probably the clearest picture has emerged from the use of anisomycin , which inhibits translation of proteins from mRNAs .
17 Recently , it has emerged from studies of Upper Permian fluviolacustrine deposits throughout southern Africa that the geography was dominated by a series of giant lakes , perhaps interconnected within major fluvial frameworks .
18 Programmed Logic Corp , a small software company of ex-Bell Labs Unix system gurus , has emerged from the relative obscurity of specialist consulting into the glare of the marketplace at Unix Expo this week , with three alternatives to the standard Unix file system .
19 One that has emerged from the silence is the Model 735 which , like the other models , is expected to use a 99MHz version of HP 's PA 7100 chip .
20 Much of Jesus 's world has emerged from the haze of conjecture , speculation and mythic hyperbole , and is clearer and better documented than , say , the world of King Arthur .
21 The new feature that has emerged from this study of the parallelistic couplet is not so much the identification of a particular relationship of the lines of the couplet ( greater precision ) as a movement towards a statement of relationships within the poetic couplet .
22 After an insect has emerged from the egg the completed head shows few indications of a segmented origin apart from the fact that it carries paired appendages .
23 This is an issue to which we shall return at the end of the chapter ; first , however , we must explore the broad classification of degree courses which has emerged from this analysis of their relationship with employment .
24 Such a picture has emerged from correspondents and from evidence sought by the Commission .
25 About 1km ( half a mile ) further on , the road has a righthand turn off for entry to the motorway N2 which has emerged from the Seelisberg 9km ( 5½mile ) tunnel to run up the Reuss valley between railway and river for a considerable stretch .
26 From Wassen the " old Gotthard road " crosses and re-crosses th valley before reaching ( in 5km , 3 miles ) Goschenen in its impressive situation where the Reuss river is joined by a main tributary just a it has emerged from the Schollenen gorge .
27 This conception of progressive intellectual maturity has emerged from the philosophical argument of this book , but it is far from being a purely philosophical viewpoint .
28 Nothing bolder has emerged from the English judiciary since then .
29 In its draft submission to Mr Hunt , the Forum states : ‘ In developing land use policies which will take Wales into the 21st Century the principle of sustainable development has emerged from the consultation exercise as a vital issue to be addressed .
30 A bleak picture of Government higher education policy has emerged from an opinion survey of the heads of new universities ( former polytechnics ) and colleges of higher education .
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