Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] ignored " in BNC.

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1 That is not to say the report has been ignored completely .
2 Every such Constitution has been ignored or resisted by the Irish , but still the English persist .
3 The outcome is that in recent years the N.A.C. list has been ignored by serious anglers who are aware of the N.A.S.A .
4 Lochranza has been ignored in recent years since the only crossing to Arran is now at Brodick .
5 It seems that our advise has been ignored .
6 But a re-examination of the data published in the aftermath of the fire reveals that one crucial isotope released in the fire has been ignored in subsequent analysis of the health consequences .
7 In fact , it has been allowed to become progressively more ruinous , has been a shelter for cattle , and has been ignored in all of the county 's publicity material .
8 Cycling has been ignored in transport planning for years .
9 By letting the property market lead , the industrial sector has been ignored and on many occasions existing industry has been driven out or left to die .
10 Indeed , in some quarters the whole subject matter of creativity and psychosis has been ignored completely .
11 The lad who made a big impact as a 16-year-old has been ignored this season .
12 Gilligan identifies a theme of social concern and non-violence that is found mainly in women 's moral reasoning , and that has been ignored in previous descriptions of sex differences in this area .
13 Apart from such work , Lacanian psychoanalysis has been ignored by feminist psychologists .
14 This has already been pointed out by Hoffman but his advice has been ignored .
15 It is curious and extremely unfortunate that this evidence has been ignored and the significance of racial identity minimised .
16 The fact that the organisers decided that it was time to show Spanish Pop and the French New Realists made sense ; Martial Raysse has always seemed to me a very interesting artist , but he has been ignored outside France .
17 Either the imaginary has been ignored altogether , in which case Irigaray is mistakenly described as a biological essentialist ( Sayers , 1982 , p. 131 ; 1986 , pp. 42–8 ) , or else it has been interpreted as purely and simply a Lacanian concept , in which case the conclusion is that Irigaray has misunderstood or misread Lacan , and has not taken on board the implications of his theory ( see Mitchell and Rose , 1982 , pp. 54 6 ; Rose , 1985 , pp. 136 , 140 ; Ragland-Sullivan , 1986 , pp. 273–80 ) .
18 Death has been ignored , and so has food .
19 Because of its limited appeal among Grand Prix drivers , it has been ignored for some record purposes in the statistical section to be found at the end of this chapter .
20 The rich effect of inversions has been ignored .
21 When surveying the focus of attention of physical geographers it is evident that the major part of the earth 's surface , the oceans , has been ignored in physical geography research .
22 The drawing suggests how a sector of resources has been ignored and is not linked in to the over-all plan .
23 Star singers have been remembered while the bulk of a sizeable profession has been ignored .
24 If the Commission finds that the directive has been ignored , the road schemes could be delayed while assessments are carried out .
25 But during the last decade the challenge of achieving expanding opportunities for the many has been ignored — instead , the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few .
26 But until now it 's been ignored .
27 Mr Williamson did n't mention it in his description of the way he 'd arrived , the County Council had arrived at their five hundred and odd hectares and er so far as West Yorkshire 's aware , it 's been ignored or so f as far as we 're aware so far , it 's been ignored .
28 Mr Williamson did n't mention it in his description of the way he 'd arrived , the County Council had arrived at their five hundred and odd hectares and er so far as West Yorkshire 's aware , it 's been ignored or so f as far as we 're aware so far , it 's been ignored .
29 But so far he says , it 's been ignored .
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