Example sentences of "[adj] to point out " in BNC.

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1 It is unfashionable to point out that for most of his two decades in office Marcos enjoyed considerable grass-roots favour .
2 Yes , I thought , but then there 's , but briefly er Sue , I was going to wanted to point out in fact er you just er if you do n't mind Paul I 'll just go back
3 Though inspectors have no enforcement powers , Wing believed they should be free to point out difficult areas of practice .
4 It is interesting to point out that we found in 50% of patients with gastrooesophageal reflux without oesophagitis ( Grade 0 ) , a hypotensive lower oesophageal sphincter which suggests that the decrease in sphincter pressure comes before the inflammatory or tissue damage .
5 Erm now it , it 's interesting to point out that female choice and of course one of the best examples of that is birds where the female chooses not , you saw it on the film , but this is just a reminder .
6 IN THEIR rather cheerful new outlook for the world economy , published late last month , forecasters at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development were careful to point out that the risks of error were ‘ on the downside ’ .
7 ‘ Of course , it is not important philosophy , ’ all the commentators were careful to point out .
8 However , the BRE is careful to point out that the table attributes types , not numbers of faults to the trades concerned .
9 Everyone presenting data at the conference was careful to point out that they were not saying that lead is safe , even at low levels , but the ‘ do n't knows ’ do not form a powerful lobby .
10 Costs do rise , as you are careful to point out at the start of the feature , but there can be no excuse for the blatant abuse of the costings given .
11 Larrain is careful to point out that this analysis is his interpretation of Marx 's use of particular concepts and that the relations between concepts is not thoroughly analysed by Marx ( Larrain 1979 : 55–67 ) .
12 Barthes is careful to point out that though the encratic discourse posits itself as natural , in fact this is an illusion , a necessary camouflage of its own systematicity ( 1984:128–9 ) .
13 But Brooke-Rose is careful to point out that a novel is not an act of oral exchange , and that most communication models are thus inappropriate to it ( 1991a:70–1 ) .
14 He was careful to point out that not all of this increase would be funded by the government .
15 But , as Davis is careful to point out , behind this issue are social and economic structures on the one hand and the support of kin or blood relations on the other .
16 Before redefining the upper limit of normal for the incidence of non-peristaltic deglutitive pressure waves , it seems appropriate to point out some fundamental shortcomings in the technique of prolonged recording that may lead to erroneous conclusions .
17 It seems churlish to point out that most such carrots cause a diversion of savings from taxed to untaxed channels , not an increase in the absolute amount .
18 After all Aunt Emily 's generosity , it seemed churlish to point out how stifled she was , cooped up in the warm , soft , comfortable house , fed like a lapdog and learning to be a lady .
19 The support or detestation exhibited by biologists in the matter of sociobiology and by educational psychologists in the matter of ‘ nature v nurture ’ is , it seems rather too obvious to point out , of this kind .
20 However , Mike Roberts , now director of the Natural Environment Research Council 's Institute of Terrestrial Ecology ( South ) , is quick to point out that acid deposition does exacerbate the problem , in particular by washing magnesium from an already nutrient-poor soil .
21 Curing time nevertheless remains one of the barriers to composites ' mass production , even though , as Lotus 's Albert Adams is quick to point out , what comes out of a steel press is far from being a complete car body .
22 Observers are quick to point out that the main church , the Romanian Orthodox , is well under the control of the secret service and constitutes no threat to President Nicolae Ceausescu .
23 But they will be quick to point out to ministers that ‘ helping the poorest ’ can often lead to poverty and unemployment traps , as any state benefit aimed just at low-income households will discourage them from earning more or getting a job if it is withdrawn as soon as they do so .
24 Locke 's tentative suggestion about the possibility of thinking matter would have seemed to lead to atheism too ; but he was quick to point out to his critic , Edward Stillingfleet , that the suggestion that we might be purely material does not involve the denial of all spiritual immaterial beings ; if we are thinking matter , it needed a spiritual God to make us so .
25 Not only were viewers outspoken in their complaints but the athletics writers , who rely on TV coverage , were quick to point out that the London Marathon is not one of the BBC 's happiest events .
26 They may also have been quick to point out that Vermuyden 's ‘ Great Design ’ was already turning sour .
27 But despite their limitations , circulation measures can provide librarians with a good deal of valuable information for the assessment of stock and user needs , and the promoters of automated circulation systems have been quick to point out the facilities such systems offer for a closer analysis of detail .
28 Manufacturers have been quick to point out the drink 's advantages over ordinary milk : it contains no cholesterol , has a low fat content and is high in alkali .
29 He was quick to point out , however , that one should not therefore equate the law of value with the law of labour expenditure , since to do so would be to lose sight of the specific historical form and character of value relations .
30 He was subsequently charged with involuntary manslaughter , although his lawyer was quick to point out that ‘ Whatever happened certainly does n't indicate that Dr Love is guilty of anything . ’
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