Example sentences of "[adj] political groups " in BNC.

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1 The LTTE has also been responsible for massacres , both of Sinhalese and Moslem civilians , since June 1990 and against rival Tamil political groups who , in some cases , have now aligned themselves with the government 's forces .
2 Three of the conditions — the repeal of the state of emergency regulations , legalization of banned opposition parties , and negotiations with representative political groups — had been met .
3 Of the three component political groups which had founded the Labour Representation Committee thirty years before , the Marxists had mostly isolated themselves within the Communist Party , the ILP was ready to depart and the Fabian Society was moribund .
4 But gradually the pattern changes until we see the growth of commercialism by which time the symbols in ornament had less meaning as such social networks were supplanted by more cohesive political groups ; production could at that time be taken over by entrepreneurs who continued the evolution of regional designs but who were distributing the goods in an entirely different manner .
5 There are no genuine domestic parties , although a number of narrowly-based political groups exist .
6 If allies were able to provide the necessities of life , primitive valuables could have acted as a medium of exchange ; primitive valuables may also have been used as a means of contracting alliances as may marriages between members of different political groups .
7 I , I , maybe before we start that , on the point of reductions , and I 'll ask both er , George and , and er , Jean and Mike to , to speak for the different political groups , as part of the P A G , erm , when we did go through this process , I , I mean it was very difficult for us as a P A G.
8 Under Franco , they used to be distributed among representatives of the different political groups that made up the regime 's base of support ; under democracy , incumbents in such posts have tended to be replaced with each change of government .
9 The military played an important role as arbiter of conflicts between the restricted political groups , leading to the era of ‘ pronunciamientos ’ in mid-century .
10 In Natal , fighting between rival political groups for control of townships around Pietermaritzburg and Durban grew more intense , with more than 100 people being reported killed up to mid-February .
11 Councillors were elected unopposed in 53 wards , more than 6% of the total , and there was a contest between the three major political groups in only 6 in every 10 wards .
12 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
13 D. F. MacDermot of the Foreign Office minuted that the report from UNTCOK must be considered before determining a course of action : to stipulate a detailed plan in advance would play into the hands of the Russians and of dissident political groups in south Korea .
14 He worked to achieve a coalition of tight-centre political groups under Rhee 's leadership .
15 About 6,000,000 of its members had left in four years , many to join independent political groups , and the Lithuanian branch had recently seceded .
16 I lost , of course , hardly surprising since the elections were carved up by the various political groups , most of which I did n't even know existed .
17 The bill has already been modified by the Senate following amendments presented by various political groups who were pressing for tax reductions for buildings of artistic or historic interest which only generate a small income but which are expensive to maintain .
18 These configurations reflected shifting alliances among the various political groups and figures [ for the earlier emergence of likely candidates and their background see p. 38728 ] .
19 For example , even in the relatively active period in which Liebowitz and Horowitz were writing , only a minute proportion of total crime could conceivably be attributed to marginal political groups ' expressing themselves in conventional criminal activity .
20 Also drawn into the plot were the Carlists and other extreme right-wing political groups .
21 There was no representation for either of the two dominant political groups in the Hong Kong Legislative Council ( Legco ) — the liberal United Democrats of Hong Kong and the conservative Co-operative Resource Centre — whereas the pro-Chinese New Hong Kong Alliance and Liberal Democratic Federation , both of which had performed badly in the 1991 Legco elections , enjoyed significant representation .
22 Babangida blocks new political groups
23 A number of new political groups included pro-Yeltsin formations and an opposition " Civic Union " associated with Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi .
24 He bought a small printing firm that had gone bankrupt , and because of contacts in the Labour Party and all kinds of left-wing political groups , soon had a bread-and-butter basis of pamphlets , brochures , tracts , leaflets , and then a couple of small newspapers .
25 The formation of the JPDUP followed the return to Jordan in September of PFLP leader George Habash to attend a meeting of radical Arab political groups and parties [ see p. 37728 ] .
26 Amid protests from the powerful nuclear lobby and from other political groups the government renewed its commitment to nuclear power by agreeing to order five new plants by the end of 1985 .
27 Most of the victims were members of the People 's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran ( PMOI ) , an Iraq-based opposition group , but many belonged to other political groups .
28 By March 18 , however , dialogue between the MPRP and other political groups had collapsed and communists rallied in support of the party to denounce the opposition movement .
29 These steps were agreed by the government , the African National Congress ( ANC ) and 17 other political groups at the first meeting of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) in December [ see pp. 38662-63 ] .
30 As part of the Aquino governments crackdown on the 19 year old communal insurgency , there has been a drive to outlaw legitimate political groups , including GABRlELA .
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