Example sentences of "[adj] eye stare " in BNC.

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1 His blind-filmed eyes stared at it , all but unwinking .
2 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
3 She sat again at the dinner table and saw in the candlelight Hilary Robarts 's dark , discontented eyes staring intently at Alex Mair ; watched the planes of Miles Lessingham 's face fitfully lit by the leaping flames of the fire , saw his long-fingered hands reaching down for the bottle of claret , heard again that measured rather high voice speaking the unspeakable .
4 The female still lay there , watery eyes staring at some remote distance from which she waited to be recalled .
5 High overhead , a buzzard circled lazily on a column of warm air and on the roadway a butterfly with big white-ringed , russet-coloured eyes staring from its black wingtips , opened and closed its wings .
6 Brown eyes stared upside-down into green .
7 Dark brown eyes stare back at him .
8 Big brown eyes stare bleakly into the distance , the thousand-yard stare of so many kids in this war .
9 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
10 But all they could see was a big brown eye staring anxiously back at them .
11 ’ His dark eyes stared into hers .
12 Great dark eyes stared up from under broad brow and untidy hairline .
13 The large dark eyes stared at him tragically .
14 ‘ Thank you for a super time , ’ she offered sincerely as she waited for the lift to arrive — and felt her heart race to beat the band when , all male dark eyes stared down at her .
15 A week ago a man on the run had come into her house , he had been unkempt , his hair curling thickly about his face , he had not been as well groomed as the man standing before her now , but the breadth of shoulder was the same and something about the dark eyes staring into hers touched a chord .
16 She was more than halfway through the set before she managed to screw up enough courage to glance down at Adam 's table , and her heart turned to cold stone as she spotted him in his usual seat , his dark eyes staring at her with their disturbing lack of expression .
17 Is milky eyes staring at bosoms to be hugged
18 Curious despite herself , Rory opened both tawny eyes to stare quizzically at her friend .
19 His brown , nearly auburn hair clung to his scalp as if with misery , sad eyes stared out of a freckled face , his hands were clenched tight .
20 The outside eye stared : as a vice locks —
21 These false eyes stare implacably , challenging the predator to bite , while the small , real eye of the prey is sufficiently concealed not to give the game away .
22 The beady little eyes stared up at her reproachfully , but they did n't see anything .
23 Then his opaque eyes stared once more at his resonator , cutting her out of his attention , and Jezrael was obscurely jealous of the quartz which glowed with fleeting internal light .
24 Her head drooped to one side , and her heavy-lidded eyes stared at the ashtray , even though they did not focus on it .
25 There was a fine blue sky with great white clouds in the distance , and even the restless tiger had stopped still and was dozing , his great eyes staring out peacefully on the world as he occasionally licked a paw and groomed himself .
26 My attention was attracted by Granny 's big black eyes staring down from her photograph on the wall .
27 Her lifeless eyes stared down at him , her tongue protruded from her mouth .
28 In the ensuing silence , Elfswitha 's weapons clanked once and the shallow eyes stared .
29 A marble girl , once white , blind eyes staring .
30 She was obviously flustered and I 'll never forget her concerned eyes staring into mine .
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