Example sentences of "[art] assurances give " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the company also seemed to be reneging on some of the assurances given to placate Scottish interests during the takeover battle .
2 These illusions were encouraged by the assurances given by Van Mook and other Dutch administrators that the Indonesians would welcome their return also .
3 Sceptics will no doubt dismiss Tito 's order ( even though it was issued down through the full chain of command ) and the assurances given pursuant to it by the Yugoslav negotiators at Bleiburg as mere window-dressing , and they may be right .
4 They know very well from their reading of Hansard , and because they were present during the Committee stage , the assurances given and the spirit in which they were made .
5 May I press the Minister on the assurances given by the Secretary of State ?
6 I hope that on the basis of the assurances given , two five five can be withdrawn .
7 However , she had been satisfied with the assurances given by the police chiefs about the future policing of the community should the cover be switched to Mintlaw , eight miles away .
8 The judge said he was satisfied BC would ‘ take note ’ of the miners ' concerns and the assurances given would be carried out .
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