Example sentences of "[art] shah had " in BNC.

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1 The Shah had made a showplace of his country with his colossal purchasing of weapons , and look what it had all come to : ‘ If you drive from Shiraz to Isfahan even today you 'll see hundreds of helicopters parked off to the right of the highway .
2 The Shah had actually asked his twin sister , Princess Ashraf , to leave the country — she was too much the symbol of the royal family excesses .
3 Members of the National Front , the opposition the Shah had crushed in the fifties and ignored ever since , leftists , rightists , monarchists , republicans , dentists , doctors , lawyers — almost anyone it seems could finally get into see His Imperial Majesty .
4 The Shah had sometimes shown disdain for many such people .
5 Everyone 's solution was subjective , he thought , based on the resentments and jealousies festered in the long , bitter years of internal exile that the Shah had imposed on all those who would not recognize his sole and divinely inspired leadership of Iran .
6 A few weeks before he left Iran , the Shah had asked one of the most respected members of the opposition that he had crushed in the fifties to try to form a government .
7 Until only months before , the Shah had genuinely believed that he was beloved by the Iranian people .
8 Only a year ago the Shah had seemed to himself and to his allies to be utterly secure .
9 And then the Shah had allowed the publication of a scurrilous attack on his clerical enemy , Ayatollah Khomeini .
10 A few days after the massacre , the Shah had an opportunity to show himself as a compassionate leader after an earthquake destroyed the town of Tabas and killed about twenty thousand people .
11 He had met the Shah year before and the Shah had lectured him imperiously on the need for law and order in affairs of state .
12 " You in the United States do n't understand how a country should be run , " the Shah had declared .
13 All through his life , the Shah had depended on the counsel of foreigners .
14 The Shah had at court a tall , slim , well-dressed man , a former ambassador to Washington , Vienna and Bonn .
15 All through his life the Shah had been obsessed by the what other nations controlled or manipulated Iran , particularly the British , the Russians and the Americans .
16 None the less , faced with the greatest crises of his reign , and unable to sift through the unfathomable views , and motives of his countrymen , the Shah had turned increasingly to foreign advisers .
17 On one occasion in the early autumn , the Shah had turned on Sullivan , recited almost every incident of unrest and declared that it was all so sophisticated that it must be the result of foreign intrigue against him .
18 In some of their talk the Shah had seemed drained by events .
19 But he remembered that the Shah had a house in Switzerland .
20 The Shah had repeatedly been to American during the last thirty years. ; he had been welcomed with full honours as not only an important chief of state by also a vital ally by every single president since Harry Truman .
21 Instead of flying straight to the United States , the Shah had decided at the last minute to accept an invitation from Anwar Sadat of Egypt to pause briefly in Aswan .
22 It had been literally years once the Shah had drive men in the streets of Teheran .
23 The Shah had taken a leading role in this process .
24 The Shah had imagined it as a modern version of the Congress of Vienna of 1815 , where the rulers of the world could meet and discuss matters of great import .
25 This time the dish was repeated for the guests and the Shah had an artichoke .
26 At the time no one denounced it more fiercely than Ayatollah Khomeini , whom the Shah had exiled in 1964 for his fierce opposition tot he Pahlavi regime .
27 One of Russians means of exerting its power was the Iranian cossack Brigade , which the Shah had founded after a visit to Russia and which had Russian officers .
28 In his place , the Shah had very little idea of what was happening , Shorn of more and more of his powers but Mossadeq , who tended to ignore him , the Shah retreated into alternating bouts of gloom and high spirits which involved playing practical jokes on guests .
29 Sadat and the Shah had become friends the previous year , after first quarrelling at an Islamic summit in Rabat , about the measures needed to protect an Islamic shrines under Israeli occupation .
30 Since the mid-seventies the Shah had extended substantial financial aid to Egypt .
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