Example sentences of "[art] newly formed " in BNC.

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1 In 1945 the newly formed Communist government appointed him head of music for Polish radio , based in the southern city of Katowice .
2 These local committees were supplemented in the autumn of 1921 by the newly formed peasant Committees of Self-Help .
3 To put teeth into it , Pomgol was chaired by M. I. Kalinin , who was to become president of the newly formed USSR in December 1922 .
4 In January 1947 , the colliery company became part of the North Western Division of the newly formed National Coal Board .
5 The old guard hit back at the newly formed , broad-based Union of Democratic Forces , which is organising tomorrow 's demonstrations .
6 How else to account for what at the time seemed wildly erratic behaviour , when in 1977 a group of distinguished architects and others , members of the newly formed Spitalfields Trust , squatted in two derelict early Georgian houses in Elder Street , thwarting the property developer 's bulldozers by sheer persistence .
7 In anticipation of an army coup , Croatia and Slovenia had placed on alert the security forces under their control — the police and the newly formed gendarmerie , the so-called specijalci .
8 REAR-ADMIRAL GARTH WATSON , who has died aged 78 , had three distinguished careers : as an Admiralty engineer ; as one of the first officers of the newly formed Naval Electrical Branch ; and as an outstanding secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers .
9 When he was fifteen , Joseph travelled with his father to the Walla Walla valley , where Isaac I. Stevens , governor of the newly formed Washington Territory and Superintendent of Indian Affairs , had called one of a series of treaty councils removing Indian land rights .
10 In May 1905 the two agreed to sell 70 acres of Upper Bolney Farm to the newly formed syndicate which registered itself as Bolney Estates Ltd. in 1906 .
11 It joined the newly formed Berks , Bucks and Oxon Alliance and Captain Wallis of Rotherfield Court ( now part of King James 's College ) , presented it with an oak ‘ Cups ’ cabinet .
12 In this dark medieval labyrinth is the restaurant Baráčnická Rychta , meeting place of the newly formed Society of the Friends of the Malá Strana .
13 It was there that I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Stella Gawthrop , who has not only the distinction of being a pathfinder for the breed in the UK , but having emigrated to South Africa , has also been of great assistance to the newly formed clubs there .
14 This , approximately one-fifth of the nation 's farmland , was expected to keep engineers in the newly formed water authorities fully occupied until well into the next century .
15 After this bold statement of intention , the Secretary of State , in subsequent instructions to the newly formed committee , showed some awareness of the contradictory requirements of a satisfactory 18 + examination .
16 Family and old friends are not necessarily forgotten but distance will naturally make frequent contact less likely and the newly formed unit will take precedence , particularly when the young adults become parents themselves and the whole process begins all over again .
17 Also on Monday , the Alton College Forum will provide the venue for a performance by the newly formed Alton Area Orchestra , conducted by martin Read .
18 When the newly formed Grand Union Canal Company resumed work in 1810 , Thomas Telford ( q.v. ) suggested the construction of a set of locks instead of the tunnel .
19 Jack 's full-back partner was ‘ Dusty ’ Rhodes , while behind them was the fabulous Jack Alderson and these three heroes played an amazing sequence of exactly 100 consecutive matches together ( including cup-ties and friendlies ) helping the Palace into the Football League in the process and then into the 2nd Division as the first champions of the newly formed 3rd Division in 1920–21 .
20 For instance , the London Borough of Southwark remained under Labour control after the May 1982 local elections , but two-thirds of the Labour councillors were new , following ‘ de-selections ’ and defections to the newly formed Social Democratic Party .
21 In 1877 , the newly formed Wolverton Volunteers were No 6 company of the 1st Bucks Rifle Volunteers and consisted almost exclusively of men employed in the Works .
22 Pinned above Beth 's bed , next to the card proclaiming her to be a spiritualist , was a photograph of a male dancer from the newly formed Royal Ballet , and I came in one day soon after I arrived at Huntingdon to find a knot of giggling girls peering up at this dancer , who was poised on one foot , wearing an agonised expression and very tight tights .
23 He loved the tough life of thrill and fear and his excellent war record had made it easy for him when , in 1941 he had decided to apply to join the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
24 It seemed like only yesterday that he had presented himself at Manchester 's Ringway Airport for training with the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
25 A follow-up language course , the Safari Course , was devised , and programmes framed by the language section of the newly formed Curriculum Development Centre were to be integrated with those prepared in other subject sections .
26 By policing the mental and the physical borders of the newly formed Germany the Völkisch ideologists wanted to create a new and pure German identity .
27 Allan resigned to become the Geologist to the newly formed National Coal Board and J. G. C. Anderson and Kennedy left to become professors at Cardiff and Leeds respectively .
28 The Geological Survey of Great Britain was amalgamated with Overseas Geological Surveys to form the Institute of Geological Sciences under the control of the newly formed Natural Environment Research Council .
29 Some of his cures were certified by the newly formed Royal Society of Medicine .
30 As fate would have it , Thalberg joined the newly formed MGM , which put Stroheim to work on Greed .
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