Example sentences of "[prep] catering [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er facilities er exist for parking and so on and the only thing is , er I 'm talking about catering in the sense of a Saturday whether it 's here or there .
2 Italian cuisine is so good we do n't bother to comment , but you 'll find some hints about catering in Cannigione on page 45 .
3 The growing ‘ added value ’ areas such as catering in which the regional brewers have less experience .
4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan for satisfying the medical , psychological , and personal needs of the patients and for catering for potential problems .
5 But I say it it it became er quite increasingly important right up to its closure er of of er particularly for for catering for Bl for erm pit .
6 In April 1984 the National Development Officer for catering in the Western Division , which includes Strathclyde and Dumfries and Galloway , organised the initial ‘ fleshing out ’ of the catering related modules through the SCFE members from the Western Division .
7 Most of the day-to-day trade came from the man in the street , and it would be wrong to infer that every coffin-maker and funeral furnisher hungered after catering for the top end of the market .
8 RAF Uxbridge is the current holder of the Jolliffe Trophy , which is awarded to the unit that is judged to provide the best standard of catering for all three messes .
9 Three hundred years of catering for the City of London were celebrated by Ring & Brymer at the Museum of London last week .
10 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
11 With the Rule of St Benedict ( c. 550 ) , supremely , the monastic community was launched on the road of catering for ordinary people rather than a spiritual élite .
12 Whether it 's the everyday hurly-burly of catering for your family , or cooking a special meal , there is always a lot of clearing up afterwards .
13 Ian 's mother-in-law , Mrs Jan Waller , is in charge of catering for the four walkers and 17 back-up crew .
14 The fourth aim of catering for the different levels of ability is more likely to be teacher-dependent .
15 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional licence to the holder of a licence authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor , during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises in respect of which he is the holder of a licence .
16 other than the holder of a seamen 's canteen , refreshment or entertainment licence.In the case of an application by a licence-holder the occasional licence allows the sale of liquor " in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises " ( subs .
17 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional permission to a person representing a voluntary organisation or a branch of a voluntary organisation authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event , arising from or related to the activities of the organisation , taking place outwith licensed premises .
18 The section allows a licensing board to grant an occasional permission to a representative of a voluntary organisation whereby liquor may be sold during specified hours in the course of catering for a function outwith licensed premises , which function arises from the activities of the organisation ( subs .
19 We asked at what point the environmental effects of catering for housing growth were taken into account ?
20 consider engaging professional help to get a critical analysis of WO population/housing growth predictions and the likely impact of catering for this growth .
21 Max Saunders FHCIMA , a retired group director of catering for Grand Metropolitan plc , is the new chairman of the South West Regional Committee of the Hotel and Catering Benevolent Association ( HCBA ) .
22 I see my biggest contribution to TAG , therefore , as being able to marry the art and craft side of catering with its scientific side . ’
23 What we are trying to do is to provide good people who have an enthusiasm for this kind of catering with a fast route towards management responsibility , and that is a route which , for those who want it , can lead right up into store management and beyond .
24 The importance of catering to the tastes of more affluent middle-aged people is underpinned by the increase in their numbers and high spending power .
25 Some would say it made no pretence of catering at all , but if you were n't fussy about what you ate , if your lunch was no more than a fuelling stop to enable you to work through the afternoon , then what was on offer was tolerable .
26 SANDWICH makers are needed to help Mothers ' Union members with catering at next week 's Sutton Weaver Carnival .
27 MANY people spend more time worrying about how they are going to cope with catering for Christmas than they do actually cooking the bird and all the trimmings .
28 RAF Hereford , based at Credenhill just outside the city , has been training RAF officers and men since 1940 in everything from catering to secretarial work .
29 The growth has come from privatisation of services provided in the public sectors , particularly healthcare and education and from catering for the public .
30 Lindsay , an Aberdonian , has worked in the offshore industry since 1978 and trained in catering with the Sheraton Hotel Group before joining CCG in 1986 .
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