Example sentences of "[prep] [be] deemed " in BNC.

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1 Both Bills would have preserved the deprave-and-corrupt test , significant in itself , but would have added a new test , sufficient in its own right for the work to be deemed obscene .
2 The Crown applied to the Outer House of the Court of Session to quash the ruling , contending that the evidence it had tried to present had to be deemed relevant , even if not determinative or of very great weight .
3 At least one globe at the crossing should show a flashing light for the crossing to be deemed lawful .
4 In the main , employees who refuse to accept alternative employment which requires them to move house are unlikely to be deemed as refusing it unreasonably. for instance in Rose v.
5 It came into being on the groundswell of the earlier federalist enthusiasm , while still being sufficiently limited and pragmatic to be deemed feasible by senior politicians who themselves were keenly interested in fostering moves towards greater and effective cooperation .
6 As yet we have no agreed criteria for how much disruption a single lesion needs to cause for the system to be deemed interactive , although common sense suggests that an interactive system would be much more vulnerable to disruption than the brain appears to be .
7 Hegel suggests that we all aim to be recognised by others wanting to be noticed by others , to be deemed worthy by others are traits we all have .
8 ‘ I remember when I was in 6th grade and Reagan was elected and he voted ketchup to be deemed a vegetable , for schools . ’
9 In virtue of what are the duration , intensity , location , cause and ownership of the sensation to be deemed irrelevant ?
10 Despite exotic characters and racy plots , the basic social context of Brooke-Rose 's early work was too familiar for it to be deemed truly original .
11 Far too tuneful to be described as hardcore and too noisy to be deemed a pop/punk band , The Venus Beads sit comfortably on the barbed wire fence in between .
12 Likewise within any one human society , there are always very complex regulations , partly explicit , partly implicit , about the precise circumstances in which a sexual relationship between two individuals is to be deemed proper or improper , and this again serves to distinguish social categories : close relatives from distant relatives , wives from sisters , lords from commoners .
13 Similar provisions are made for CTT with this difference , that in calculating the value of the ‘ slice ‘ the property is to be deemed to produce income a such a rate as may from time to time be prescribed by the Treasury with the proviso that the value of the ’ slice ’ as so ascertained is never to exceed the value of the whole property .
14 This defined heresy as any opposition to the Catholic doctrine of the sacraments , but it also specified that any preaching which took place without licence was to be deemed heretical .
15 Far too tuneful to be described as hardcore and too noisy to be deemed a pop/punk band , The Venus Beads sit comfortably on the barbed wire fence in between .
16 Once the income which is the property of the trust deed is to be deemed the income of Mr Astor ( that is , is to be treated for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts in all respects as if it were the property of Mr Astor ) , it automatically becomes impossible for the purposes of those Acts to say that he receives anything which springs from a right of action against the trustee in respect of his income .
17 Where parties expect to do business together on a regular basis and to use fax or similar media to place and accept orders , the drafter should include an appropriate provision to avoid this problem , indicating when messages are to be deemed effective .
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