Example sentences of "[prep] energy policy " in BNC.

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1 The research will develop the methodology of quantitative analysis of energy policies relating to GG emissions .
2 ‘ They were not in control of energy policy .
3 The second goes to the nub of energy policy : its economics .
4 Throughout , there was no formal framework of energy policy . ’
5 But the final go-ahead for the scheme — involving the piping of gas from a discovery in Liverpool Bay to a power plant in North Wales — will hinge on the outcome of the Government 's present review of energy policy .
6 Responding to criticism on the lack of energy policy which led to the fiasco over pit closure proposals last year , the Government said competitive markets ensured the best assess to secure , diverse and sustainable prices of energy at the best prices .
7 If the review of energy policy opts for a high coal burn , it will have to be balanced by maintaining ‘ clean ’ nuclear power plant which might also be under threat if the dash for gas is allowed to go unchecked .
8 Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy .
9 Nearly every major issue to do with energy policy had been raised , from conservation measures to coal prices to cancer risk estimates .
10 He added : ‘ For the first time in energy policy history , the environment will govern our energy policy .
11 Both Mr Boskin 's recent annual economic report and the NES cogently make the case for relying on market forces in energy policy , with the government intervening only when prices are sending obviously wrong signals — usually because they do not reflect such externalities as environmental effects .
12 Years ago this was seen as the dream of purists and unworldly cranks , but it is now one of the big growth areas in energy policy , with Wales leading the way in the UK .
13 Consequently , it would be foolish to make drastic changes in energy policy until it is clear that there is danger .
14 Is it ‘ foolish to make drastic changes in energy policy until it is clear that there is a danger ’ ?
15 In the British coal industry , management and unions have fought for changes in energy policy ( Robens 1972 : chs. 9 , 10 ) and more recently , a successful alliance of interests prevented the separate privatization of the gas corporation 's retail showrooms ( Tivey 1982 : 46 ) .
16 His relations with the budget director , Richard Darman , especially over energy policy , are appalling — Mr Darman calls him a ‘ global rock star ’ .
17 The conventional wisdom on energy policy is that it is better not to have one .
18 This week the hearing reached a milestone with the first session of full cross-examination — a baptism of fire for the Department of Energy , which surprised everyone by agreeing to be interrogated on the full gamut of Whitehall 's current thinking on energy policy .
19 Bishop Jukes , a Franciscan Friar , made it clear that his concern was not to offer technical solutions on energy policy but to promote Catholic teaching about work and workers .
20 The contemporary debate on energy policy and the sales effort of the Boards concentrated on the domestic sector , though two-thirds of electricity sales were in fact to other consumers ; industry , commerce , transport and farms .
21 Leading and promoting the debate on energy policy that the government wants to stifle , that presents us with just such an opportunity , if we do n't begin to take the fight to the enemy the future is clear .
22 The debate on energy policy is a vital one , and one which the G M B as the only union with a sizable membership in all of the industries concerned , is well placed to lead .
23 It 's absolutely essential that there , we make the government recognize that the debate on energy policy is not going to go away .
24 Having listened with interest to the Minister 's statement on renewable energy and the fact that there has been reference to other sources of power , when shall we have a comprehensive statement on energy policy from the Government ?
25 There is no doubt that , if the hon. Gentleman assiduously continues to attend debates on energy policy , as he has done , he will map together a comprehensive Government energy policy .
26 The successful vote on energy policy reflected the broad national consensus which had developed since the issue was last addressed in a referendum in 1983 , when the proposal failed to secure a majority in more than half the cantons as required [ see p. 32643 ] .
27 Mr Heseltine is expected soon to release a white paper on energy policy which could set out plans for saving some of the jobs at pits BC want to close .
28 Two hundred miles up the coast , near San Francisco , a conference on energy policy .
29 Mr Simon Roberts , the FoE energy campaigner , said this illustrated the Government 's ramshackle approach to energy policy .
30 membership within the Energy and Utilities Section , erm , who recently debated this issue at their conference , that we will pursue the question of er the policy in relation to energy policy .
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