Example sentences of "[noun sg] begin to rise " in BNC.

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1 The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise with the blast of primitive hatred which had rushed through the air .
2 As the pace began to quicken and the complicated threads of the chant began to rise Rincewind found himself watching fascinated .
3 As the wind began to rise outside the palm house , Halema told the story of Aisha 's deafness .
4 In November 1902 , a great spine or pillar of solidified lava began to rise above the crater of the Etang Sec , forced upwards by the pressure of the magma below .
5 Both in Britain and in America , especially marked during the later 1950s and early 1960s , the voices of dissent began to rise — against McCarthyism , against the Bomb , against any established authority that tells individuals what to do and how to do it — voices that said , and continue to say , ‘ They sha n't push us around any longer . ’
6 From the mid seventeenth century the proportion of the government 's revenue coming from direct taxation of the peasantry began to rise steeply .
7 As the sun begins to rise she glances out of the window and recalls how she chose this film from all the offers which came pouring in after success on the small screen and on record .
8 His cock began to rise in his trousers .
9 Once , however , the child population began to rise , a new population question arose .
10 In Japan and Britain oil consumption per unit of GDP began to rise again last year after falling throughout the 1980s ; in America and West Germany conservation efforts slowed significantly ( see chart ) .
11 Lines of painful rot began to rise along her legs .
12 I could smell the citronella that I put on my skin to ward off the mosquitoes and feel the breeze beginning to rise from the river .
13 Would they change on the way , or before her body began to rise ?
14 As she sank to her knees , the Reichsmarschall felt the winkle underneath the whale begin to rise .
15 Thus if B accepts S's repudiation in June and he sees the market price begin to rise , he has a reasonable opportunity to minimise his loss by buying replacement nuts immediately at less than £110 per ton .
16 Throughout the eighteenth century peasant flight , resistance , murder , and revolt were endemic , and the incidence of peasant disturbance began to rise again soon after the Napoleonic Wars .
17 What about that child who had screamed in Act Two , and the hissing that had followed … and the outbreak of sobbing when Tinkerbell drank the poison and Peter announced she was dying … and the sigh that had rippled … yes , rippled through the theatre when Peter , alone on the rock in the lagoon , heard the mermaid 's melancholy cry as the moon began to rise over Never-Never Land .
18 Moreover as inflation began to rise in the 1970s it made no sense to wait before buying ; the price would inevitably be higher if you did so .
19 When inflation began to rise in 1963 , the General intervened personally to instruct his prime minister and minister of finance to prepare a " stabilization plan " .
20 Thatcherism makes intellectual liberty just another commodity , to be enjoyed when there is no particular political or commercial or administrative price to be paid for it , but abandoned , with no evident grief , when the price begins to rise .
21 The door closed smoothly behind them , and the lift began to rise .
22 A deep , hard anger began to rise then , and , as dawn streaked the skies to the east of the Grail Castle , Grainne felt the golden strength well up again .
23 After a long series of preliminary earthquakes , a circular area of ground began to rise slowly and steadily in January 1944 ; by April the area affected was three kilometres across , and had gone up fifteen metres ; by June it had gone up fifty metres , and had taken the village of Fukaba and all its inhabitants with it .
24 ‘ Any time you 're ready , ’ Yanto growled , his anger beginning to rise again .
25 He kept his voice firm and calm , while the first tendrils of smoke began to rise from below , along with the dull roar and crackle of flames .
26 As Lucy came around and into sight , a seated man began to rise .
27 But he took a more positive stance in the third and at the first hint of resistance Newton 's temper began to rise .
28 ‘ Go on , ’ continues Bob , his voice beginning to rise with a hint of anger .
29 We make love like no one ever has in the whole world — the whole history of the world — we are better than Antony and Cleopatra , ’ his voice began to rise with his spirits , ‘ Romeo and Juliet , Paolo and Francesca , Beatrice and Dante , ’ he was lost for words , ‘ better than … better than …
30 He would not rest until every last parasite was cleared from this ball of rock , and , ’ his voice began to rise , ‘ neither will we .
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