Example sentences of "[noun sg] underlying it " in BNC.

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1 However , the educational team took a more openly critical view of the community development process and the philosophy underlying it .
2 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
3 Indirect Rule , then , had several ‘ meanings ’ , not all of them logically compatible with each other , but there was one thing about it which was entirely clear : the conception of government underlying it was a highly charismatic one .
4 This method at least appears to have some principled rationale underlying it , however , Rosch herself stresses that the basic level is not necessarily fixed ( Rosch , Mervis , Gray , Johnson & Boyes-Braem , 1976 ) , but depends both on the interaction required with the object and the expertise of the observer ( Tanaka & Taylor , 1991 ) .
5 The dream seems to have one kind of reality and yet is felt , at the same time , to have another , deeper reality underlying it .
6 The only thing that makes me doubt that is that the general proposition underlying it appears to have received some incoherent support from the Leader of the Opposition .
7 In assimilating a presentational form we have to take it in all at once , rather than sequentially , and there is nothing equivalent to grammatical structure underlying it ( 1942 : 90–3 ) .
8 This whole conception is undeniably optimistic ; and yet the myth underlying it is gruesome .
9 This set of relations is only roughly sketched , but it is possible to understand the idea underlying it .
10 In this chapter , I have sought to defend this concessive holist view by drawing attention to the explanatory interest underlying it .
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