Example sentences of "[be] made be [that] " in BNC.

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1 One recommendation that has been made is that there should be a ‘ decade of retirement ’ , between the ages of 60 and 70 .
2 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
3 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
4 The final point to be made is that the local researcher should trust his instinct , and if something ‘ feels ’ wrong it may well actually be wrong , and with diligence can be so proved .
5 The final point to be made is that the whole reading experience takes place within a particular cultural setting , and this will affect reception .
6 Perhaps the first point that needs to be made is that the relationship between use and learning differs in respect to first and second language situations .
7 One preliminary point that may still need to be made is that the switches between the two media are not arbitrary , but motivated according to a series of conventions practised by other Elizabethan dramatists .
8 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
9 A further point which might be made is that the concise , fluent format of the interviewer 's questions is very unlike the format of normal conversation , where false starts , hesitations and ambiguities are the norm ( Schegloff 1979 ) .
10 This book is not the place to undertake such a task ; but one comment that might be made is that an initial distinction between class and status is likely to be important ; for it is the evaluative rather than the economic dimension of stratification which seems to be relevant to linguistic variation .
11 Perhaps the most surprising discovery that can be made is that there were ‘ unopened station ’ .
12 Indeed , the pattern of research work in the humanities and social sciences is such that perhaps the only generalisation which can be made is that no article or book is written using only the resources of one library , still less the home library of a researcher 's institution .
13 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
14 The condition which had to be satisfied under that Act before a care order could be made was that ‘ his proper development is being avoidably prevented or neglected . ’
15 When it is said that the continuation of the sterling area was an ‘ implicit ’ decision ( in sharp contrast to the debates on overseas expenditure ) the point being made is that this continuation was not the result , it would seem , of any debate within the Attlee government .
16 We are , of course , assuming that we are using an ideal switch which does n't exist in real life , but the point being made is that a switching system will be a lot more efficient than any resistive control element where dissipation is invariably relatively large .
17 following on from that er that the point that I think is being made is that a contribution does not have to be put forward in a shape of a question to be er a useful contribution to the debate and and your erm pressure upon er the lady who spoke er a while ago was er insisting that she she
18 The point that is being made is that in this situation none of the profit figures are a guide to the future .
19 The point effectively being made is that , if making a poor person better off by £1 via a redistributive transfer reduces the income of the rich person by more than £1 ( because of , say , the necessary administrative costs of the transfer and/or the disincentive effects to earn in the market-place ) , how much more than the £1 gain to the poor is an acceptable ‘ price ’ ?
20 Thus , it may be that the only undertaking being made is that the sample was honestly and properly taken from the bulk , as was the case in Gardiner v Gray ( 1815 ) 4 Camp 144 .
21 Yeah , because the point that 's being made is that it 's only the flower of the rose which has all these properties , it 's not the whole bush itself , presumably .
22 The point being made is that although it is ultimately envisaged that the EC will be similar to the USA with each member country being akin to a state and it even being billed as the ‘ United States of Europe ’ , is it a reality when one considers differences in attitude , culture , language and even religion ?
23 The subdivision into groups or subsections is similar to that employed in supplement J for Psychiatric Rehabilitation One suggestion that was made was that " an adjoining pair of single bedrooms might be made inter-connecting to accommodate , for instance , a married couple . "
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