Example sentences of "[be] taken over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( This plan was abandoned when rumours began to circulate that the castle was about to be taken over as a headquarters for Field Marshal Kesselring ; rumours which subsequently proved to have no basis in fact . )
2 The school 's on an island and you have to be taken over to it .
3 George Wood had hinted , and not too darkly , about the ‘ lads ’ who knew how to get past the guards and into the mines at night : he had intimated that there was a prosperous smugglers ' route through the highest mountain passes to the coast where the ore would be taken over to Ireland or down to Liverpool and Swansea .
4 The command of all forces at Verdun was to be taken over at midnight .
5 ‘ So , if you get wind of a rumour from Salome on , say , Bloggs International , which says that tomorrow they 're going to be taken over on very generous cash terms , then you buy as much Bloggs stock as you can .
6 At the time of privatisation it was well known that the city bus station was subject to a compulsory purchase order by the council and would be taken over for whatever sum .
7 A rapid and widescale communication network is thus provided , and good chants can be taken over from one set of fans and used against a different set the following week .
8 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
9 That role will be taken over by Glanmor Griffiths , the WRU treasurer , who has been elevated , with Denzil Lloyd , to the International Board , Home Unions and Five Nations committees .
10 The government 's policy was formally one of ‘ Ulsterization ’ , namely allowing a wide range of local programmes and policies to be taken over by local leaders .
11 FINANCIERS are pushing for Alan Bond 's highly geared media group to be taken over by Australia 's richest man , Mr Kerry Packer , and some leading institutions .
12 He declined to specify the Formula One team 's ownership structure , quote a price or nominate prospective buyers — though , as reported in Tuesday 's Guardian , there is speculation that the team will be taken over by people who want to field an all-Italian line-up , with Emanuele Pirro displacing Britain 's Martin Brundle and joining Stefano Modeno .
13 He said : ‘ We can therefore expect , on government logic , local Conservative Associations to be taken over by business ratepayers bent on winning control of councils to promote spending on services and goods they either supply or would benefit them .
14 Its responsibilities East of Suez would be taken over by a new tri-Service headquarters established at Aden under an air vice-marshal with the title of HQ British Forces , Middle East .
15 It recognized that there was a National Health Service and a private sector and , rather than arguing that one should be taken over by the other , proposed sensible cooperation between them for the benefit of patients .
16 Despite this localization , however , there is some flexibility : if one region is damaged , its functions can in part be taken over by others .
17 Tip 's first job on leaving school was as an apprentice at the old Tom Stewart clubmaking works at St Andrews , soon to be taken over by Spalding .
18 Thatcher said that the UK was ‘ financially sound ’ , there was a ban on overtime ( voluntary ) on British Rail ; the US was organising sanctions against Poland for daring to be taken over by the military and the Social Science Research Council , to muffled cheers and sobs , got a £1 million cut .
19 The last residents moved out towards the end of 1940 , leaving Barham House to be taken over by the army .
20 Christianity is not true because it makes its claims more boldly or more loudly than anything else ( or belief would be taken over by bravado ) .
21 Bearing all that in mind , it is not difficult to see how the person who starts with a lack of confidence in one specific area of life soon seems to be taken over by that lack of confidence , which spreads to many spheres of activity .
22 However , as it now seemed certain that the Company would be taken over by the new authority that was to unify public transport in London , before very long , these projects were left in abeyance .
23 It also gave him his first taste of advertising as he worked as a junior on the flotation of Harrison Cowley , later to be taken over by Saatchi & Saatchi .
24 In the first place , the entrepreneurial function was likely to become redundant , largely because innovation would be taken over by teams of specialists in large corporations .
25 But gradually the pattern changes until we see the growth of commercialism by which time the symbols in ornament had less meaning as such social networks were supplanted by more cohesive political groups ; production could at that time be taken over by entrepreneurs who continued the evolution of regional designs but who were distributing the goods in an entirely different manner .
26 Look at the wish to be locked in , the wish for the dark , the wish to be watched , to have one 's secrets known , to be taken over by someone else .
27 Julia Smith 's duties will be taken over by Verity Lambert , head of Cinema Verity , the show 's independent producers .
28 SMR 's role was to be taken over by the Shackleton-equipped Maritime Operational Training Unit at Kinloss and the unit was scheduled to disband in September 1956 with the remaining Lancs being ferried to Wroughton to await their fate .
29 A paper long allied to the Liberal tradition had been allowed to be taken over by the right-wing Mail .
30 Whatever is left of these assets will , of course , be taken over by Novell .
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