Example sentences of "[be] often [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Davy 's experiments are often cited as a classic example of the methods used in 19th century physics and chemistry research .
2 Although they are often cited as an instrument of central control , their effectiveness is difficult to determine because individual local authorities- and sometimes even different departments within the same authority — react differently to them .
3 Disabled people have the capacity and the right to be productive contributors to society but are often perceived as passive recipients of services .
4 In Scotland , the ordinary degree has an honourable history and a recognized status , but it is still not honours ; and in the rest of the country , ordinary degrees are often perceived as second-rate qualifications .
5 They are split reasonably evenly between what are often perceived as the ‘ poor ’ North and the ‘ prosperous ’ South , although not all the areas fit such a stereotype .
6 Many gardeners — and visitors — are getting younger , partly because of the current ecological obsession and also because gardens are often seen as an extension of the living room .
7 There are , for example , subsidies in the form of grants and , until 1988 , tax advantages available to individuals willing to invest in forestry and which are often seen as the major impetus to afforestation and reforestation with little regard to the environmental consequences .
8 The subjectivities of working-class heterosexual white subjects , white gay subjects , and all black subjects , are often seen as genetically-determined deviations from those of white heterosexuals .
9 Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation , a view reinforced by the high gold price during the inflationary years of the 1970s and 1980s .
10 High-performance systems are often seen as ‘ a problem ’ by other groups around them , who can become annoyed by their apparently un-manageable behaviour .
11 Obviously larger employers might be considered part of the upper class , but the others are often seen as part of the ‘ old ’ middle class .
12 They are often seen as ‘ mini ’ doctors or as threats to doctors .
13 The prisoners themselves are often seen as failures , who ought to be made to support their families , though the system does little to help bring that about .
14 These two themes of rapid economic growth and workplace harmony are often connected as cause and effect to produce a neat and tidy contrast .
15 Corporate funded artworks are often advertised as public service .
16 A group of pavements which shows this kind of affinity has many traits which are often understood as essential characteristics of a school of mosaic/mosaicists : the sharing of a common mode of representation , the predominance of this mode in a restricted geographical area , and the presence of craftsmen , ( perhaps of different abilities ) who were working " together " .
17 Witchcraft and sorcery accusations , then , are often selected as the most effective and appropriate means of destroying relationships and discrediting rivals in a thoroughly nasty way .
18 Thus most of the popular WYSIWYG document preparation systems are often condemned as ‘ What You See Is All You Get ’ , but such systems are hugely successful in the market .
19 The basic components of Maslow 's theory are often presented as a pyramid , but this seems to imply that those needs situated at the top of the pyramid are more important than those at the bottom .
20 Incomes policies are often presented as a preferable alternative to deflation since inflation can be reduced without higher unemployment .
21 It is a mark of the success of the policy that although they are often regarded as real people , they are rarely treated as such .
22 In what are often regarded as backward areas .
23 Exhibitions are often regarded as a luxury item in a company 's marketing budget , and exhibition stand personnel often look upon manning an exhibition stand as an easy option to their normal duties .
24 This data is apposite because , like women , children are often treated as a particularly vulnerable audience , at risk from the material they consume : whilst , like the romance , television is often seen as a particularly potent source of ideological contamination .
25 Moreover , older people are often treated as if they were not adult , and are patronised by journalists who ask questions like : ‘ How do you put your grandmother in a home ? ’
26 Human rights concerns are regarded as an internal matter by the Government of the People 's Republic of China ; and information about violations are often treated as a ‘ state secret ’ .
27 Despite helping to keep the cities ' streets free of litter , and striving to earn their own keep , they are often treated as vermin by police , who harass and bribe them for ‘ protection ’ money .
28 From all the discussion so far , one would predict that BSL as a language should be no more difficult to learn than a foreign language , except , that is , for the fact that BSL is not a high status language and its users are often treated as failures .
29 Theory and practice are often treated as exclusive categories .
30 But we are faced with a cultural problem where descriptive work goes unrewarded , and systematics and taxonomy are often treated as one .
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