Example sentences of "[be] going on [be] " in BNC.

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1 No bu I 'm sorry , the other thing I 'm sorry I should have said the other thing I 'm going on is when things were last done ,
2 Intellectual acceptance of what is going on is , however , rarely enough .
3 You need to be clear that for both of you what is going on is OK and creative of mutual satisfaction .
4 Well maybe not , but what is going on is
5 I am not convinced that what is going on is a ‘ compensatory ’ secondary circuit of capital parallel to industrial production , but something is happening with residential and retail land development which appears to be separate from industrial production .
6 One task while this is going on is to observe how the groups are working , who is too dominant , who is too isolated , and what adjustments to the groups might have to be made .
7 " We are convinced that what is going on is the beginning of Renamo in South Africa , " said Mandela on Sept. 14 , in a reference to the actions of white-backed rebels in Mozambique .
8 As long as the statutory racist laws inflicted on us remain , then all that is going on is rubbish .
9 So we know , we should and remember of course that in the book Freud chooses two examples as Joy told me the church and the army and these are just examples and of course Freud chooses them partly because they 're very big groups so they in some ways they er exemplify the principles he 's talking about because clearly in a small group like this you could say well look , what is going on is really I mean we all have , we all know each other and it 's a face-to-face group and really what happens here is an of the dynamics group and I think it is actually .
10 I have to say that our input into what is going on is still very strong .
11 The really frightening aspect of what is going on is that the alternative to Mr Yeltsin would seem to be chaos involving a complete economic breakdown , from which only extremists could benefit and all of us would suffer .
12 There are a lot of excellent bands coming through here , and the interest of the international A&R community in what 's going on is still high .
13 If you do n't know what they mean i anything if you do n't know how to do it it 's hard but if you do n't even know what they mean it 's very hard to work out what 's going on is n't it and what you 're supposed to be doing .
14 the only thing that makes you conscious of what 's going on is your brain and that anyway
15 yes , it 's going on is n't it ?
16 So it seems to be about school anxiety and exam anxieties and so , but those are very common kinds of dreams , but , but very often when you you find they 're actually about the present , they 're about some recurrent anxiety or conflict in the present which is masquerading as if it were in the past because your associations of what 's going on are connected with the past er one way or another .
17 What was going on was such a success that the idea was launched nationwide five years later , in April 1990 , as Volunteers .
18 Whatever sexual rivalry was going on was among the three of them , and I was excluded , being too obvious a failure to present any sort of threat .
19 And all the time the only thing that was going on was a cruel deception . ’
20 I mean that was really my only comment that I just erm heard this lady speaking erm okay she 's got two children and it probably is difficult to keep two children occupied without any children 's programmes , but like you commented , ‘ what did people do before television ’ , and erm I mean I 'm sure erm Rainbow and such , the people who produce those sort of television programmes would understand that keeping the majority of the country erm informed of what was going on was slightly more important than erm having children 's programmes on .
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