Example sentences of "[be] still [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 I imagine they 're still adamant that they want to care for Jennifer themselves .
2 Then afterwards talk as if nothing had happened , but inject enough sympathy into your voice to show you 're still aware that something has .
3 Sarfraz said : ‘ I am still amazed that Allan Lamb should have mentioned me .
4 I am still amazed that , despite our losses at the time — and they would worsen until well into 1942 — some would survive what I called my " trough of despair " .
5 Even to-day I am still surprised that our history master should have thought it worth while to include in his course a class in Plato 's Republic … or that our English master should take me to his home to show me his excellent library and especially his fine editions of Blake and Donne .
6 ‘ We are still confident that at the end of the day we will find out who killed Mrs Shelley . ’
7 After a particularly busy Easter period , staff are still confident that the best is yet to come .
8 Hopes are still alive that the planned world club title game between Wigan and the Brisbane Broncos will go ahead at Central Park the week after the final .
9 And many motorists are still unaware that used sump oil from do-it-yourself oil changes can be recycled if returned to garages .
10 Some are still concerned that they will have to take on juniors ' duties and that abandoning firms will damage juniors ' training and patients ' continuity of care .
11 but you , you ca n't make that public and you are still worried that it can go too far to the left and therefore you , you , you 've got a range of , of erm quite moderate proposals which come in which , i if they were implemented , would restrain and would maintain the su the support of the ninety percent , th that you are still only seeking to antagonize really those , those landlords who are not going to be prepared to come back within the system .
12 But the locals are still optimistic that they 'll take the honours on Monday .
13 ‘ No Brian , I 'm still confident that I 'm the man for the job .
14 We moved houses twelve months ago and I 'm still shocked that there are far more things to do around and in a spanking brand new house than an old one .
15 ‘ None of the calls have hit me between the eyes so far as the vital piece of information , but I 'm still hopeful that what we need may be in there , ’ he said .
16 Although he had won the Derby , plenty of people were still convinced that he did not truly stay a mile and a half and that Piggott 's sensitive handling of him at Epsom , producing him at the very last moment , had masked this lack of stamina .
17 And yesterday they said they were still optimistic that some good would come from their campaign including a change in the law .
18 The Danzig Senators argued that the only way forward now lay in an immediate return to the Reich , but they were still afraid that this would provoke an invasion of the city and war with Poland .
19 But it is still apparent that many current ‘ verbal ability tests ’ , together with most papers in Social Studies , Science and General Knowledge are in urgent need of review .
20 Students ' views are not necessarily as good as those of recognized authorities , but it is still essential that the ideas to which students hold should be their own .
21 However , it is still possible that hoteliers , nightclub owners etc. may decide to change their facilities making them permanently unavailable .
22 Although direct associations between the context and the target stimulus can play little part in the effect , it is still possible that associative interference might be responsible , in whole or in part , for latent inhibition .
23 Although the relationships between risk and recognition performance found in Study 2 were rather more complex it is still possible that all or part of the relationship was caused by the explicit focus on risk during the judgment phase .
24 Although it is still possible that subjects ’ perceptions of the tasks could have been altered by the different exemplars of a junction that were viewed in the different experiments , it does not appear that the subset of 24 were unrepresentative of the full 60 .
25 However , we know that some colleges will be anxious to take advantage of the greater flexibility and relevance of the new-style courses as soon as possible and SCOTVEC is still confident that substantial progress can be made in the current session in the development centrally of the new style course material .
26 Overall , headhunting did create its own demand , and it is still arguable that many companies can do without it ; indeed , many do .
27 Introducing an interesting collection of studies of classrooms in different countries , Frankish comments ; ‘ Different as the classrooms described in this issue may appear , it is still surprising that they are so alike ’ .
28 Although the landscapes on both sides of the Border are very similar , from the lowlands north and east of Carlisle through fells rising to the Cheviot range and falling again to the coastal plain , it is still noticeable that permanent settlements of any size are fewer along the Scottish side .
29 The Doctor is still convinced that the solution must be worked out first within the borders of this country and not by people outside it .
30 Carling is still angry that England lost the World Cup final 6–12 to the Aussies at HQ 12 months ago while Gerber remains numbed by the Springboks record 3–26 home stuffing in August .
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