Example sentences of "[be] an [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Let's imagine that you 're an effective one .
2 ‘ Little shepherd , you 're an easy one to fool . ’
3 You may have cancelled an appointment , disappointing your friend , who now complains loudly and aggressively that you are an uncaring suit-yourself sort , whose commitment to friendship is purely selfish .
4 Notwithstanding its critics , the continuum hypothesis has been an influential one in the study of Caribbean Creoles , and has formed the basis for significant studies of at least two of the Caribbean territories , Jamaica ( De Camp 1971 ) and Guyana ( Bickerton 1973 , 1975 ) Whatever the merits of the continuum hypothesis as a linguistic theory , its terms , " acrolect " for the local standard , " basilect " for the broad Creole , " mesolect " for the in-between varieties used mainly by the middle classes , have become widely accepted .
5 From the beginning , however , his position as successor to Lee had been an uncomfortable one .
6 The car spent the afternoon in a car park nowhere near her office , and she arrived home reflecting that her weekend in Oxford had been an expensive one .
7 The strongest weapon the Serbian state has employed against the Albanians has been an economic one .
8 The debate as to whether this institutional framework exercised a determining ( ideological ) influence on film output has been an ongoing one , but the importance of Claire Johnston 's contribution to it in the mid seventies is that she argued for a reading of Hollywood entertainment films which made a space for ‘ collective fantasies of women 's desire ’ .
9 There can be little doubt that , however understandable their response would have been , a violent response would have been an unlawful one .
10 Because their climb to success has not been an overnight one , the boys find fame easy to handle .
11 But the transition from French rule to Lebanese self-determination had not been an easy one .
12 The year has not been an easy one for our Italian business .
13 There is some suspicion that the wheel , as with some other mills , may have originally been an external one and has been enclosed by subsequent extensions .
14 The lot of the Jews had been an uneasy one for many centuries ; now , for the first time , they were massacred in western Europe .
15 The position of the middle class , especially the lower middle class , has always been an ambiguous one , caught as it is between pressures from below and from above .
16 The solution could have been an amicable one but it was not to be so .
17 Yes , his marriage had been an arranged one .
18 This debate between pluralist or behaviourist and radical/Marxist accounts of power in capitalist societies has been an important one in political sociology with Marxist writers such as Westergaard and Resler ( 1975 ) arguing that pluralist accounts did not get to the roots of the power of capital .
19 Her threat to leave the job had been an idle one , and whatever ill feeling there had been between her and Jenny must have been papered over .
20 He speculates whether their physiology , and hence their metabolism , might also have been an intermediate one .
21 The message was clearly stated nonetheless , and it must have been an alarming one to Marchmont and his brother , for Wedderburn was an important freeholder with many connections in the country :
22 No-one could complain that the government has not been an active one .
23 and they 're sort of chatting saying , well , you know , I 'm an American they were trying to chat us
24 If her personality tends to be an obsessive one — if she is excessively devoted to tidiness and perfect order in every part of her life and home , a great maker of ‘ lists ’ for everything and a habitual ‘ double-checker ’ in all her activities — you may find that although she is grieving deeply , she may throw herself with remarkable zeal into the business of ‘ tidying up ’ her husband 's financial affairs and concentrating even more strongly on getting everything in the house cleaned and polished ; for this is the method used by most people who are inclined to be obsessional , to control their anxiety .
25 The first response of any seller in a strong position is bound to be an impossible one , and so this is .
26 Perhaps it is fortunate that the fossil record preserved only a fraction of the truly stupendous total number of species that must have lived since the Cambrian , for otherwise the scientists ' task to catalogue 600 million years of life would be an impossible one .
27 The refusal must , however , be unconditional or , if it is conditional , the condition must be an unreasonable one .
28 This is , really , a cop-out , and can be an expensive one .
29 ‘ There 'll be an extra one on there tonight , eh ? ’ said Billy .
30 The cost of the additional piece of road beyond the er the link to the er waste transfer station would be an extra one and a half million .
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