Example sentences of "[be] not in [det] " in BNC.

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1 With those consequences I am not in this lecture concerned .
2 I am not in this book .
3 I am not in any area satisfied that the psychic gifts are of God .
4 ‘ I do n't deny that we have a bad image , and I am not in any way complacent about the future .
5 ‘ I am not in any way ashamed of my father .
6 I hope that I am not in any way abusing the opportunity to raise a point of order with you , but will there be an opportunity for the House to question a Minister at the earliest opportunity ?
7 I mean , I am not in any agony .
8 Thank God , Athelstan thought , you are not in such a mood every day .
9 The reason why you say yes and no is that everybody wishes Christmas is the ideal and perfect and everybody gets together but there are so many people who are not in that position , and therefore , it emphasizes those who are not .
10 ‘ And you are not in that position yet ? ’
11 I , I do n't know about you three , I would be prepared to pay an extra penny in my tax or whatever to make sure those poor sods are not in that street .
12 They , they know what they have to do to protect that stock , to protect their life 's interests and they , and they know they do n't need to be told really by any officer here who are not in that not , not in that game , what they have to do that 's what they 're asking us to do and they certainly asked us to do that on the erm , on the tour of county farms that we had only , only a few weeks ago .
13 Most thieves are not in that league .
14 There can be no question that the bishops are not in any way aware of this arrogation , as it is mediated in consciousness by their belief in , and conceptualization of , a static natural law which is accessible , even if with difficulty , to the conscience of everyman ; which same natural law no one should be allowed to violate , even if in error , when that law , if broken , is seen to threaten the very moral fabric of society .
15 Tor goes off to a cottage up the hill from the bay and comes back disconsolate , having been told to ‘ piss off ’ by the occupants who were robbed last week and are not in any mood to offer the traditional Norwegian hospitality to a motley collection of bedraggled canoeists .
16 The British are not in any sense unique , though they may be an extreme example , in their preoccupation with themselves and their own ways .
17 They are not in any way second class citizens .
18 The finances of RMC are not in any way stretched .
19 Let there be no doubt , these young criminals are not in any way representative of the vast majority of the Afro-Caribbean community whose life has contributed to the life and culture of the West Midlands over many years and whose hopes and aspirations are at one with those of every other law-abiding citizen .
20 These quotations are not in any way intended to disparage Octavia Hill and the work she did .
21 We emphasise that the figures quoted are not in any way critical .
22 Even if we are assured that the creatures in question are not in any pain , some people will prolong the argument either by insisting that they must be in some sort of distress , or by claiming that even if they are not overtly suffering , what is happening to them is cruel and unwarranted exploitation .
23 Having observed them give their evidence I am satisfied that they are not in any way seeking to deceive the court or to persuade the court that Mr. Winterbone was better or worse than they have said that he was .
24 The examinees are not in any ordinary sense witnesses , and the ordinary standards of procedure do not apply .
25 The Workers ' Birth Control Group was anxious to show that women were not going to renege on motherhood if they were permitted easier access to birth control information : ‘ the committee of this organisation consists of married women who have children , and they are not in any way out to say it is a good thing not to have children ’ .
26 But we want to reassure all our former patients that they are not in any danger . ’
27 But the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia enables us to see that these two equally-well-attested interpretations are not in any way in conflict with one another because in the latent content of paranoia we find both a tendency to symbolize the father as the sun and a delusion of persecution concerning him which in a typically paranoid way denies the homosexual factor by saying I do not love him , he hates me .
28 They are not in any way to be interpreted as qualitative judgments .
29 However , as we remarked in Chapter 1 , to identify pragmatics wholly with the truth-conditional apparatus that will handle indexicals is to leave us with no term for all those aspects of natural language significance that are not in any way amenable to truth-conditional analysis .
30 Barnet are not in any such situation .
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