Example sentences of "[be] on this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So what I want you to do is to follow these little chips er dimples here , they 're on this stone there 're a few on that but not on here , so that bit it goes in that direction .
2 While we 're on this question , one of the few things that er Theresa did n't say , although perhaps she might have said it when I was n't , I do n't think she did but one of the few things she did n't say is why Freud disapproved of the typical kind of dream book you find in any book shop .
3 ‘ I 'll talk to you for all the time we 're on this train .
4 Now while we 're on this point about what exactly am I entitled to , erm we ought to say a word about credit notes cos there are a lot of shops who say well erm you know it is it is n't company policy to , it is n't our policy to offer refunds , but we 're quite happy to offer you a credit note .
5 ‘ I 'm on this milk shake diet , and it 's really working .
6 ‘ May I come in here : I 'm on this scheme for tonight . ’
7 Erm , I 'm on this occasion I 'll keep as close to this as I can possibly go .
8 ‘ My broken engagement to Miss Sandra Bamfield is part of the reason I 'm on this side of the ocean , I guess . ’
9 ‘ I know I wo n't keep doing it at this rate but while I 'm on this streak I 'll take full advantage of it . ’
10 What harm could there be on this night of all nights , the dowager-duchess asked herself , in Joan de Warenne representing her who is in fact her half-sister ?
11 Of the former criteria , arts broadcaster Melvyn Bragg could be on this weekend 's list .
12 ‘ What makes you so sure they 'll be on this ferry , anyway ? ’
13 I wan na be on this course findin' out .
14 I would of thought it was more likely to be on this floor
15 It 's just so great to be on this beach at last ’ — Ffyona Campbell at Tangier after completing her walk the length of Africa .
16 So it proved to be on this occasion .
17 So what 's gon na be on this stall then ?
18 will be on this side , and the
19 Wo n't it be on this lot ?
20 Jean , that er antique fair should be on this month .
21 So you 've got quite a lot of time Now , there 's some spare ones of these on the front as well When you get this scr scrub out item number eleven which is on the back because these are the notes that w went out for the social psychology exam And I would be you 'd be in a little bit of trouble if you revised wh influences of text ha b li had literature had on our lives , discuss three books , cos it ai n't gon na be on this paper
22 Above us , they indulge in fits of nostalgia , remembering the heady days of the Poll Tax riots , and in artificially enlarging the number present with all those who are there in spirit : ‘ There are a lot of people who would like to be on this demonstration .
23 She would not be on this earth much longer .
24 It 's just those few , committed capitalists that see profits as the only , the only motive to be on this earth , that seem to be , was was they seem to have the influence in this in this country , and and like er , I 'm I 'm hoping that this er , er British Government objection to the Court of Justice does fail , as as is er suggested it may do , erm , and let's let's hope it does , and let's hope that we get this er , implemented .
25 I 'm afraid that this time he wo n't be so lucky … he wo n't come back and I 'll end up losing him to some atrocious person that really and truthfully I do n't think should be on this earth
26 ‘ God sent all artists here because it can be such a drag to be on this planet , ’ said the star .
27 Commenting on the report , FAO director-general Edouard Saouma said : " Are we going to have enough good land to feed the extra 2.6 billion people who will be on this planet by the year 2025 ? "
28 ‘ Now my job 's up north , or I would n't be on this train now .
29 Ships did not often come down this coast , and I said to myself , ‘ I 'm going to be on this island for a long time . ’
30 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Lion might not be on this book list , but in the short sub-section of ‘ Finance and Government ’ were old conspiratorial favourites : F.J. Irsigier 's Who Makes Our Money ? ,
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