Example sentences of "[be] on [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Arrangements document states that ‘ the emphasis in the Short Courses will be on exploring aspects of religion and morality which engage significant concepts emerging from the above definitions ’ ( i.e. of religious and moral education ) ( 1.1 ) .
2 Seemed to be on kissing terms with half the chaps in the cricket ground , when we got there .
3 Daisy nearly said Perdita could start off by weight lifting some of her belongings upstairs , but desisted because it was such heaven to be on speaking terms again .
4 MICHAEL WINNER and I ceased to be on speaking terms after I described him as a very average director who made very average movies .
5 And besides , she thought irritably , did she even want to be on speaking terms with him after the way he had treated her ?
6 But now under the Countryside Stewardship scheme the emphasis will be on benefitting wildlife .
7 The emphasis will be on meeting people 's needs flexibly .
8 The major focus will be on creating opportunities and possibilities .
9 Neither prosecution nor dismissal really solves the underlying problems , and our emphasis must be on establishing control .
10 Well one of you on cleaning fruit , getting all the stalks and stones out of the fruit , we used to have a sieve , not a riddle , a sieve with round , the wires were round in the sieve and you rub it , and the stalks would drop through and then you 'd put them out onto an iron baking sheet and sort out all the stones that and little bits that were in the fruit and you 'd be on cleaning fruit you might be one day , the other whichever one was the you 'd be cleaning and greasing baking tins , ready for the baker to put the cakes in or what have you , and then at night we used to grease all the bread tins ready for men to be allowed to drop the dough into the bread tins , and er stuff like that and cleaning up scrubbing down and
11 He seems to be on talking terms with the creator and is able to gain permission to tempt Job in a number of horrible ways .
12 The focus will continue to be on lifting costs .
13 But although increases in pay have tailed off , Mr Page said : ‘ Professional firms are not as aggressive as they could be on cutting salaries .
14 In the rest of this book , the emphasis will be on studying conversation , since it is only in conversation that the " negotiated " nature of Creole usage can come to light .
15 Where no significant indigenous coal is available ( and this applies to Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan and South Korea ) the emphasis will be on importing coal .
16 For vehicles run by Trust staff the emphasis will be on maximising fuel efficiency and minimising damaging emissions .
17 Thus the principal focus was to be on examining ways in which higher levels of discipline might be achieved rather than analysing the causes of indiscipline .
18 DOTING couple Alf and Jean Smith are on speaking terms for the first time in TEN YEARS .
19 ‘ When the chief comes into court , the two of them are on nodding terms . ’
20 Nobody knows who you are on Remembering Night because you wear black clothes that cover you from head to foot , and there is no name of your name-animal .
21 Many are married women who are interested only In occasional work , some are retired persons and some are students , of whom many are on catering courses and seeking practical experience .
22 Over 25,000 of Wigan 's 36,000 council dwellings are on housing benefit .
23 Many insurance companies say they wo n't cover properties where tenants are on housing benefit .
24 Since the interview in Matron 's office , Sister Cooney and Doctor O'Connor-Crowley had barely been on speaking terms .
25 At the battle of El Alamein , the South Africans played a vital role , but had he been there , I do n't suppose Coun Williams would have been on speaking terms .
26 Even Dalziel , who was facing him , had not noticed his arrival , so intent had he been on catching Marcus 's words .
27 The emphasis has been on establishing laws governing these phenomena and creating a predictive science of social facts .
28 Up to now the emphasis in this book has been on demonstrating ways in which social workers can help maintain a vulnerable elderly person in the community , by working with the client and family network .
29 The chief emphasis has been on instructing children in the use of the library and to a lesser extent on the promotion of reading amongst schoolchildren .
30 Rather , the emphasis has been on reviewing health authority performance on a more aggregate level , through the development of performance indicators ( DHSS , 1983 ) , supported by the review process .
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