Example sentences of "[be] that it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
2 All the signs are that it made virtually no impact at all .
3 His major criticism of Murder in the Cathedral had been that it contained too much obvious " poetry " , and in the new play he wanted to create a more flexible and less ostensible verse line which could handle demotic or rarefied material equally well .
4 The Irish Times quoted Craig as claiming that a reason for banning the march had been that it posed a threat to the United States military base in Derry :
5 Up to this point the only political significance of racism had been that it provided a divided work force for employers .
6 A disadvantage of team teaching , of course , has been that it required the teacher , normally an individualistic person accustomed to complete authority within the four walls of his classroom , to sink his authority and his subject speciality within a group .
7 So powerful did the Association feel itself to be that it declined to amalgamate into a nationally representative Shipping Federation which came into being in September 1890 , though it allowed its individual members to join if they wished and developed a working arrangement with it.Indeed the separatism of the Mersey shipowners lasted until 1967 when they eventually merged into a British Shipping Federation , though not under the title " Employers ' Labour Association " .
8 To what extent this was the result of Jill 's campaign will probably never be known , but it may be that it coincided with and reinforced a growing feeling in the Foreign Office and elsewhere that intransigence was no longer in Britain 's interests .
9 The only possible explanation of this radiation , which corresponds to a temperature of about 3K ( 3 C° above the absolute zero of cold ) , seemed to be that it represented the residual energy left over from the Big Bang .
10 It may be that it suited occasionally that the same parish priest looked after both of them .
11 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
12 Putting the government 's abandonment of the PWRs in the context of the study , the conclusion must be that it decided that , under market force rules , carbon dioxide had to be allowed to win the day over nuclear power .
13 The answer appears to be that it arrived courtesy of the Romans .
14 The most respectable description of the bronze figure would be that it appeared to represent the Goddess of Fertility .
15 Subjective reports on the effects of reduced sleep were that it produced a chronic feeling of sleepiness ( as measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale questionnaire ) , and , perhaps not surprisingly , increased the feeling of needing more sleep .
16 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
17 Traffic through the Mersey tunnels was down 4.9pc in the year ending in April but a spokesman said indications were that it had regained 3pc of that business in the first few months of this year .
18 He argues , for instance , that the intrinsic advantages of the Greek adaptation of the Semitic writing system were that it became ‘ easy , explicit and unambiguous ’ .
19 Its fundamental differences to the original Illustrator product were that it simplified the user interface both by the introduction of a freehand tool and the classification of anchor points into line , corner and curve types while simultaneously introducing the benefits of colour .
20 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
21 The particular benefits of this approach for this study were that it provided quantitative data on important treatment/intervention issues in a population where group-comparison studies alone would be inappropriate , because of the individual nature of each person 's challenging behaviour and the small number of potential subjects .
22 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
23 Gandhi 's implicit suggestion here is that it had yet to support non-violence for , as he says , bishops still felt able to support slaughter in the name of Christianity .
24 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
25 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
26 All I can remember is that it had nothing to do with his feet .
27 The reason , I believe , is that it had in mind the defeat inflicted on the previous Conservative government over the Jonathan Aitken trial to do with Biafra .
28 There can be no doubt that this course has heightened the management skills of some of those working in the voluntary sector , but an extra benefit is that it had widened the links between I B M and you , and widened the understanding between both of us .
29 As Cumings has pointed out , the importance of this paper is that it foreshadowed with considerable accuracy the sequence of events over the next three years , culminating in the formal establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948 .
30 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
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