Example sentences of "[be] that [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 In August , 1944 I was flying Mustangs from Grimbergen , through to the Arnhem campaign , and my memories are that we were the first RAF Squadron to be based near Brussels , and only a matter of a few days after our armies had liberated that City .
2 ‘ I have n't had the pathologist 's report but the indications are that he was strangled after being stunned by a blow to the head . ’
3 Although it is not clear whether the Falange leader was notified at the same time , the indications are that he was aware of Franco 's decision , for he called an extraordinary session of the party 's National Council , in order to elect a permanent party leader .
4 It seemed to me that it was wanting in every detail , but the objective facts are that I was five feet two and a half , weighed eight stone five , and had my fair share of acne .
5 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
6 The chances are that it was a bar , somewhere not too far away .
7 These companies had traditional links with the railways and their raison d'être had been that they were a natural extension of the business .
8 Only two people in this group said that the difficulty had been that they were refused credit .
9 In music , the quantitative usage ( ‘ well favoured ’ ) seems to have come to the fore in the eighteenth century — alongside the development of a ( bourgeois ) commercial market in musical products ; and when , in the first half of the nineteenth century , songs for the bourgeois market ( including what we would now call ‘ drawing-room ballads ’ ) were described as ‘ popular songs ’ , the intended implication seems to have been that they were good ( that is , well liked by those whose opinion counted ) .
10 There had been no second rescue attempt — the first vessel had been destroyed by a rigged explosion — and the conclusion the survivors had arrived at had been that they were assumed killed .
11 Her last waking thought had been that she was wrong , and that Ace had been right all the time .
12 ‘ I keep asking myself what it could have been that she was so keen to tell me on the phone .
13 It could have been that he was overcome with shyness , for he gazed at her almost with awe and stumbled over his words .
14 Dewey 's response to such criticism , I suspect , would have been that he was certainly not naive about the nature of those forces but that , if there is to be hope for humanity , there is no alternative but to be optimistic .
15 Ward 's excuse for talking in Spanish had been that he was accustoming himself to using it freely .
16 During the first government of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson , one of whose election slogans had been that he was going to introduce a white hot technological revolution , AEA was empowered by act of Parliament to undertaken R&D on non-nuclear topics .
17 Or it may simply have been that he was hiding : that his confused sexuality could at any time have brought him down .
18 I walked fast , to keep warm , so it may have been that I was a little above myself by the time I reached the school where the classes were held , because that night , try as I would , I could not believe anything our teacher was telling us .
19 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
20 The two are entirely compatible if it is remembered that one of the popular theories of the nature of the state itself has always been that it was founded on a contract between the individual members of a society .
21 In April , I did point out that if English Heritage ( the body responsible for the preservation of England 's built heritage ) were transferred to the new Department of National Heritage ( which is now the case ) , very careful consideration would need to be given to how planning is coped with , because one of the strengths of English Heritage had been that it was placed within the Department of the Environment where government planning takes place .
22 The real objection to the use of the statement may in any event have been that it was self-serving rather than that it was protected by privilege , which could have been waived by the defendant .
23 When war was first declared , and she was co-opted into the military , he imagined that her first reaction had been that it was typical of these men to mess up her promising career like that .
24 Their view tended to be that they were always ‘ ready for action ’ .
25 It might suggest that all bets were off on the release stakes or , ever hopeful , it might be that they were planning on letting us go and did n't want us to be able to give any hint , however vague , as to the whereabouts of the Yanks .
26 It may be that they were climbing up into the older parts of the mine above the Grand Level to ascertain whether all the worthwhile ore had been taken out .
27 The defences against those crimes would be that they were in the public interest .
28 Yes , it must be that she was actually an awful person .
29 But the reason she fell so easily and so heavily would seem to be that she was light-headed from a mixture of drink and pills .
30 Could it possibly be that she was missing something ?
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