Example sentences of "[be] that [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But first I want to say how sorry I am that I had to send Dawn to you instead of coming myself as I promised .
2 Oh , how glad I am that I did n't die .
3 ‘ Have n't I shown you how delighted I am that you did ?
4 The only possible answers are that they wanted to ensure that Lothar would not evade the battle , and that the battle would be decisive .
5 The interesting points to note for both papers are that they emerged at a time when the SDP , a party of the middle-ground , was in the ascendant , and that neither moved to the ‘ left ’ , not even the social democratic ‘ left ’ , in the 1987 election .
6 It is not possible to reconstruct a detailed history of Ine 's reign but the indications are that he ruled with firmness .
7 ‘ Yes , the signs are that he died as a result of poisoning but this has to be confirmed . ’
8 In 768 Alhred married Osgifu , daughter of King Oswulf ( 758–9 ) , presumably an attempt to strengthen the dynastic aspirations of both families by a judicious alliance , and the indications are that he made an effort to behave in a way appropriate to his new position .
9 First impressions are that he offered them a recipe of component parts from many different guitars and the result is a sort of nouvelle cuisine which leaves this weary plucker scratching his head .
10 The facts are that I asked Warren Beatty not to cast Sean Young in the role for Dick Tracy . ’
11 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
12 All the signs are that it made virtually no impact at all .
13 I wondered what the place with towers and searchlights had been that we passed in the night .
14 ‘ For the railway monopolies , it has always been that they wanted the data network modernised .
15 So deep in thought had she been that she reached her destination before she 'd made any definite plans about how to proceed .
16 One of the reasons why Constanze did not really come into her own until after Mozart 's death may well have been that she spent much of her married life in various debilitating stages of pregnancy , bearing six children ( of whom only two survived ) .
17 So single-minded had she been that she 'd forgotten the presence of Mike and this man .
18 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
19 Or , perhaps , it may have been that she had married him .
20 According to her foster brother , another clue had been that she had so blatantly considered Vitor to be ‘ a real cool dude ’ , but she saw no reason to reveal that .
21 The announcement on the morning of 22 November of Mrs Thatcher 's decision to resign came as a dramatic surprise to the public because , up to that point , all the outward signs had been that she intended to stick to her initial resolve to contest the second ballot .
22 Berowne 's only explanation had been that he felt it was time for his life to take a new direction .
23 Or it might have been that he saw , in the younger screenplay writer , someone before whom all false reticence could be cast aside .
24 One of these had been that he had suggested going to the Isle of Wight on holiday with the same friends , every year , self-catering .
25 The attraction of Lucas Simmonds had been that he had appeared to be confidently , unusually , happily " normal " , good friend , good sport , reliable leader , bright chap , blazer , flannels and smiling face .
26 And they were grown apiece while he was away and they were better than ever and the deal was been that he had was gon na give them the best two cattle you see and this was this was the best two animals he had .
27 Defence lawyer Tony Cinnamond said , however , that Wightman 's recollection of the events were hazy due to drink and it could have been that he struck her and her head banged against the wall .
28 Gaily 's quiet defence had always been that he liked a certain monotony .
29 Du Cann 's fundamental problem has been that he wanted to be seen as cross between a Tory grandee and country squire .
30 My own assessment before we had the check would have been that he worked within C.N.D. because he was a committed C.N.D. member rather than working in C.N.D. in order to further the interests of the Communist Party .
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