Example sentences of "[be] to be keep " in BNC.

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1 They 're to be kept in my library .
2 It may all come down to Clark if Oakland are to be kept at bay .
3 It is a bold aim , especially if all the purposes are to be kept in balance .
4 To produce these pictures the paper must be fairly tough if they are to be kept .
5 You are probably going to require an extra two tubes — Aquastars , for example — if light — loving inverts are to be kept .
6 In this letter he specifically requests that the girls responsible for the utter fiasco , which should have been our broomstick display last year , are to be kept away from this year 's display so that he can relax and enjoy the events taking place .
7 Windows have to be cleaned often if they are to be kept clean , and literary clarity , too , is always likely to be an effect of long labour .
8 If an experiment produces animals that are to be kept for a long period , or that are to form the basis of a breeding colony .
9 The spread nuclei can be simply stained in acetic orcein ( Gurr ) under a coverslip and if the staining is slow , or the slides are to be kept for a short time , the coverslips can be ringed with rubber solution ( Weldtite ) to prevent the stain drying out .
10 You are to be kept alive .
11 You are to be kept alive . ’
12 A. The stocking density of any pond or aquarium depends on the size of the body of water that the fish are to be kept in and the efficiency of the filtration system .
13 You will need a great deal of paper if your notes are to be kept useful .
14 Yet the milieu within which British pop operated undercut then dominant modes of masculinity : ‘ Images of men must disavow this element of passivity ( caused by putting the body on display ) if they are to be kept in line with dominant ideas of masculinity-as-activity ’ .
15 THE INTERESTS of council employees in Scotland are to be kept under review by a staff commission during the transition to the new local government system .
16 Everything is to be made secure ; all gates are to be kept closed and locked .
17 If spending and the community charge are to be kept at acceptable levels , staff numbers have to be kept under better control than that .
18 I have tried to do that year in , year out because I believe that in environmental terms — if in no others — keeping people , their sheep and their cattle in the hillsides is essential if the hillsides are to be kept as they should be .
19 Some part of the pond should be at least two feet deep to allow oxygenating plants , essential if fish are to be kept in the pond , to flourish .
20 For the sensible management of water resources , good estimates of the total amount of water available , on average , per year together with a measure of the variability in supply from year to year if supply and demand are to be kept in balance .
21 For example , in Figure 17.7 , if interest rates are to be kept at r and money supply at Q 2 , the excess demand for money Q 1 — Q 2 can be eliminated by rationing .
22 ( 9 ) The partnership books are to be kept at the place of business of the partnership ( or the principal place , if there is more than one ) , and every partner may , when he thinks fit , have access to and inspect and copy any of them .
23 The lesson Haslam learned from his ICI experience was that wherever possible redundancy should be on a voluntary basis if the trauma were to be kept to a minimum .
24 In recent talks with trade unions , Sir Colin said that catering costs were not fully competitive with those of outside contractors , and that the gap would have to be closed if the business were to be kept in-house .
25 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
26 The king instructed the sheriff to arrest them , and they were to be kept in prison until further orders .
27 To illustrate the dangers of this measure , suppose that the Government took the view that membership of the Communist Party presented a threat to national security and that leading members of the party — including those holding positions in trade unions — were to be kept under surveillance .
28 These adolescents began to be designated as apprentices to a certain kind of maturity , suitable for an industrial and democratic age ; and , with metaphorical binding written indentures , they were to be kept confined , while time-serving in the ante-room of respectable adulthood .
29 Ma was twisting a handkerchief in her hands , and her nose was as red as the apples Anna had been forbidden to pick in the garden because they were to be kept till Christmas .
30 Subject to any medical recommendations , inmates were to be kept at work according to their capacity and should not receive any remuneration for their labour .
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