Example sentences of "[be] even [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 There are even reports that this hair is gathered by the more discriminating kinds of birds to build their nests !
2 There are even signs that in some cases this was reinforced by reports which reached Europe as an outcome of the voyages of discovery that to a significant degree marked the onset of modern history .
3 There are even whispers that such standards should apply to journalists .
4 Indeed , there are even rumours that he wants to take over BAe .
5 There are even indications that many of Picasso 's circle , the artists , writers and dealers who used to meet at his studio in the Bateau Lavoir and at the Steins ' house in the rue Fleurus , already saw Picasso and Matisse as the two rival personalities most likely to influence the course of twentieth-century painting .
6 There are even suggestions that the US appoint its own Chancellor and rid itself of the high-handed monetary czars who ride unchecked across the economic landscape .
7 There are even suggestions that Persinger 's idea that weather systems can trigger UAPs might be realistic .
8 There were even rumblings that we might represent a sort of Karmic return of this man — who had apparently shared our obsession for their sailing craft , as well as for Bira 's surrounding wildlife . "
9 There were even suggestions that he change his catch-phrase to ‘ What 's up my frock , Doc ? ’
10 There were even suggestions that some MPs had been taken to one side and the name of their girlfriends ‘ mentioned in a threatening manner ’ .
11 The sense of panic about over-population that had swept across England in the late sixteenth century , and had made emigration look like the answer to problems of poverty and disorder , had died down and there were even suggestions that a substantial population helped economic expansion .
12 There were even suggestions that the atoll — an unincorporated territory of the USA , controlled since 1934 by the US military — might eventually be used for the reciprocal destruction of Soviet chemical weapons .
13 Bush faced increasing pressure from within the Republican Party to revitalize his lacklustre campaign , and there were even suggestions that he might stand aside in favour of a more dynamic Republican candidate .
14 There were even rumours that her condition would force her withdrawal , but such scares proved unfounded and she duly arrived in the paddock .
15 There were even rumours that it was going to go straight through the middle of Henry s house , a thought that , somewhat to his surprise , filled him with savage pleasure .
16 There is even evidence that plants have senses , although we have no real conception of what those senses might be .
17 In other words , the hegemony of the social representation of science can not possibly be total , and there is even evidence that it may be on the wane .
18 There is even authority that those employing an agent to conduct a transaction in a certain market implicitly assent to any reasonable usages of that market whether or not aware of them .
19 But the thing is even people that , even though people are saying , well you 've got ta get more black people into it , but if
20 ‘ There 's even rumours that you 're courting again .
21 There was even speculation that she had helped him write it .
22 There was even speculation that Britain 's economic problems might be so entrenched that they could be overcome only by economic union with the United States .
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