Example sentences of "[be] because [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 it , it may have been because I had raised some concerns , concerning that particular er statement
2 The trapped feeling must have been because she had been indoors for a long time .
3 We had to be because we had lost our real families
4 It could only be because they had something to hide .
5 It certainly did not appear to be because they had any great fear of violence or mass escapes .
6 If they exercised them , it should be because they had earned them .
7 ‘ My father , puzzled for an instant as to the meaning of this accident , since Mrs Goodyer was the gentlest and most inoffensive of our Church members , decided that it must be because she had made an idol of her husband … ‘
8 Would this be because she had something to hide , he wondered , or was she inhibited by her clerical top brass .
9 That , however , would be because he had no other remedy .
10 Everyone knew how important punctuality was to Laura ; she believed if you arrived late it could only be because you had not started out early enough .
11 The Minister 's announcement — which again I welcome without qualification — comes six years after the Audit Commission 's report on care in the community , which in paragraph 28 highlighted the fact that then , six years ago , there were 37,000 fewer mentally ill and mentally handicapped patients than there were 10 years ago but that nobody knew where those who had been discharged were because nobody had done anything to find out what had happened to them .
12 Terence Conran once said to me : ‘ the reason why you and I do things well is because we had our apprenticeship in restaurants , ’ and I actually think that 's a very valid point , because you 've got twenty planks to the one function of actually serving food .
13 As Charles observes : ‘ If you want an insight into why Diana is not just some sort of spoilt toff it is because we had very contrasting lifestyles .
14 Why I asked him is because he had a wedding invitation for Rob and Jen
15 I suppose that 's because they had to kill him first .
16 A school had only to ask and he would talk to the boys and girls , and dozens of boys came to King 's because he had met them in a train or at school .
17 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
18 That 's because I had fluid on one of my lungs .
19 Saw the bit where , it 's got like tha that where he 's been , he said , I think it 's because I had the , I smoked pot or something , marijuana once then I got I got busted or something and !
20 Well that 's because I had n't been in there and you can be
21 Part of the high cost was because we had to shoehorn the suite into a difficult-shaped space .
22 Some said it was because we had harvested too many beans , but it was because our union was getting stronger .
23 That was because we had a sensible framework of industrial relations laws .
24 Well , the legislation in Britain , the first law which is the law from which our present wages councils for people like hairdressers came from erm was passed in nineteen oh nine , and it was because we had a reforming Liberal Government at the time .
25 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
26 She asked them why ; they said it was because they had information that the two children had been sexually abused .
27 That they did not was because they had achieved only conservation of energy in the sense that the amount released exceeded that contained in the mass of a muon .
28 That was because they had extracted from Lord Owen , one of the authors of the peace plan , a concession at a meeting in Greece last weekend that would prevent Croat or Muslim soldiers from reclaiming territory from which Serb troops had withdrawn .
29 Because so many people so badly wanted it to succeed when it did they almost believed it was because they had willed it to .
30 He asked them why elephants did n't ride bicycles and explained that it was because they had n't any thumbs to ring the bell with .
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