Example sentences of "[be] just the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The oppositions invoked in these descriptions — the substantial versus the insubstantial , depth versus shallowness — are just the ones Wilde inverted and subverted .
2 Only the wrong kind of boy comes forward to be his friend ; the right kind are just the ones who hang back . ’
3 It is easy to be cynical and think that new prospective customers will only give you their favourite trade references ; which are just the ones you do n't want .
4 None of this is a matter of syntax ; the intensional relations and the syntactic constructions which realize them are just the ones we have discussed in previous chapters .
5 Obviously there are a number of detailed points and these are just the ones that are coming off the top of this meeting and you will have more when you take them home and , and read them .
6 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
7 These are just the descriptions , but the file names would be useful to appear on those ends of those boxes as well .
8 But it can be pointed out that times of motivational conflict are just the times when signalling may be expected .
9 These are just the quantities such as found above with replaced by the transform variable — .
10 Halls and stairways in particular should be well lit ; and these are just the areas in which many old people feel that they should economise .
11 Four successive championship and Wembley doubles are just the highlights of a fabulous four-year reign at Central Park .
12 ‘ They are just the tools , ’ said Hargazy contemptuously .
13 On grotty days it 's a great advantage to stick to the lowlands , and our valleys are just the places to head for with their tremendous scenery and often surprisingly challenging walking .
14 JP : ‘ Our songs are just the conversations you have in pubs , put to music .
15 They too are just the horns the Riders happen to be blowing , but they carry meaning in a more complicated way as well .
16 ‘ It must be just the personnel .
17 There used to be just the sports in the afternoon ; Mary Clarke and Bill Scott remembered when the races were held on the roads through the village , in the days before there were so many motor cars .
18 No it used to be just the sacks stop the dust and go down the back and I 've known the time what er , when they needed a regular gang of dockers , if they went to work on er , on er Monday morning with a dirty head bag on made of calico , they 'd have to buy the beer cos they had , if they ai n't got a clean head bag on or a cl clean skullcap , there used to be a little old calico skullcap they used to put on just to keep the dust out the hair and all like that .
19 No-one ever called The Stones a rock band ; they were just The Stones .
20 So maybe you 'd better stick to being just The Strawberries after all .
21 Either way , the general guidelines for healthy eating stay the same , it is just the quantities of food that may be different .
22 The next item of correspondence is just the minutes of benefits action and I , I think you 'll mostly up to date on those , on that .
23 The bowl is just the toddlers to clamber on to .
24 I mean this is just the areas that I 've touched on , and again it 's in many cases it 's only fringe .
25 And you see other than that there 's just the biscuits .
26 I can see we 're having difficulty with these questions no it 's just the answers , okay , question five , now this one 's easy if you 're a surgery , if you have a tracheotomy , where would you show off the scar ?
27 Where there is a pavement or foot path used , do not walk next to the curb with your back from the traffic , look both ways before you step into the road where there is no foot path , walk on the right hand side of the road , it is safer to walk on the side facing on coming traffic , keep as close as possible to the side of the road , take care at right hand bends , keep one behind if that is possible , particularly line heavy traffic on flurry , do not allow children under age five at least out alone on the road , go with them , walk between them and the traffic and always keep tight hold of their hands , if you ca n't do this then use reigns as security , secure them firmly into the pushchair , do not let them run into the road , always wear or carry something bright or light or reflected within the dark of light , this is especially important , that all uses it it 's just the rules I suppose
28 That 's all the language you 'll get , it 's just the budgies
29 ‘ No , ’ spits the useless singer with The Sugargliders as he stuffs Hulk 's head through his stomach and up through his own neck , ‘ that 's just the records .
30 He 'd tell me , ‘ It 's just the drugs . ’
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