Example sentences of "[be] me that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
2 It were me that realized we 'd fetched wrong ones , not Des .
3 Anyway because I were there with them you see he thought it were me that had got it and I says I have n't got it .
4 ‘ Are you sure it 's me that muddles her ?
5 PEOPLE GET EMOTIONAL UP MOUNTAINS , WHEN I SAY PEOPLE , I MEAN IT 'S me that gets emot1onal up mountains .
6 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
7 It 's me that takes .
8 Er , there 's something that 's me that survives these different changes of location erm age and size erm all kinds of things are consistent with it still being me that 's doing the changing rather than my having been replaced by something else .
9 ‘ I 've got eyes and it 's me that had to brush his clothes .
10 It 's me that told him not to go !
11 It 's me that told him not to go cos I said , I did n't want to go this week and he did n't go .
12 He 'll be so glad it 's me that knows and it can only bring us closer together .
13 Only trouble is , it 's me that pays four quid , you know , a quid here , quid back to lend him it , and then I 've
14 No , you 've I have n't , it 's me that has n't been , I 'm terrible for ah ha
15 ‘ It 's me that needs to say thank you .
16 It was me that went down first were n't it ?
17 Why did you think it was me that wrote the letter ?
18 Melody looked up at his drawn face and said , ‘ I 'm sorry it was me that told you , Seb , but I 'm not sorry about what we did afterwards , are you ? ’
19 " It was me that shot the bull , son .
20 But it was me that skipped sideways on to the cobbles .
21 I said to Bev erm do n't mean to say , I mean I might get home and find she 's got a phone call but she said to me yes I mean we , she did think of going out yesterday , and it was me that stopped it but if I feel so inclined today we 'll go down if she 's in
22 Well it was me that did that
23 you to find that was , it was me that did it .
24 we won five one Wednesday and it was me that lost .
25 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
26 ‘ It was me that set her on fire ! ’
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