Example sentences of "[be] more [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Someone like Northside or The Mondays , though I 'm not knocking ‘ em , they 're more about grooves . ’
2 We 're more into pumping tunes that express some sort of emotion and intensity .
3 At the same time , d the Tories are on their knees , some people , as I said earlier , I think it 's just as relevant in this debate , seem to have lost their way and when you took , look at what they 're proposing in terms of say , the er the fifty percent , the , the er M Ps , fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with , right , fifty percent of the vote , you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you 're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics , and that 's where they 're heading , and they 're heading completely in the wrong direction because we 're more in tune with what 's going on in this country , the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think , believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government , the alternative road is to oblivion and it 's not about modernizing , the people who 're proposing this coalition politics are n't modernizers , they 're Victorian politics , that 's what they 're about , they 're about taking us back , back before we created the Party , before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically , they 're going back to , let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals , the free trade Liberals , in the nineteenth century , that 's where they 're going back , that 's not about modernization , real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that 's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling , and that understanding of what people actually want in this country , and that 's why we 're supporting the C E C proposals .
4 She had me when she was twenty , and we 're more like friends really .
5 They 're not like teachers to us , they 're more like members of the family .
6 They 're more like children than dogs .
7 This attitude , on the part of their sources , is basically foreign to Marx 's and Engels 's overall work , and one feels they would have been more at home with the work of more modern prehistorians .
8 He might have been more at home in some of the radical Protestant sects that began to appear in England and — later — in America during the seventeenth century .
9 It was obvious that Matthew would have been more at home at the little desk by the window , where there was only a kitchen chair to sit on .
10 I 've always been a d-i-y enthusiast , but it 's been more through lack of funds than genuine enthusiasm — not exactly a good basis for totally renovating a derelict house .
11 At the time of the so-called race riots , Shanti and her friends were discussing the events in Manchester , and agreeing that the whole sad business had been more about unemployment than about race .
12 The water scene on each side of the mill could not have been more in contrast .
13 In the past the torus has been more in favour as its plasma containment is more efficient .
14 Perhaps the Thunderbird 's one-sided peghead might have been more in keeping with Gibson 's bold step into the next century .
15 It was gentle , with none of the strident accent which would have been more in keeping with the circumstances .
16 It would have been more in keeping with his mood if yesterday 's rain had persisted .
17 If it had been pouring with rain the walk would have been cancelled , and that would have been more in keeping with Lucy 's mood , which was one of deep depression .
18 He is one of the two architects ever to have held this position twice , but this may have been more in recognition of his wealth and status as an MP , and for his interest in the organization of the profession , than for his abilities as an architect .
19 Roman Catholicism has been more in line with the other great world religions in insisting that mysticism is only for a few chosen souls and that , unless one has this special propensity , mysticism can be a serious health threat .
20 She told The European newspaper : ‘ We have not been neutrals : we have been more like accomplices . ’
21 If only Dana had been more like Myra .
22 Does this mean that I am more at risk of developing skin cancer ?
23 ‘ I am more into film .
24 Our responses to Five Minutes ' Peace are more at odds .
25 Domestically inclined spirits , they are happiest when warmly ensconced by the grate or hob over a kitchen fire , and are more at home in the country than in a city or town .
26 The two singles , ‘ Slowdown ’ and ‘ There I Go Again ’ , are more at home on repeated listens , the latter a giddy , infectious track lighting fires and brightening blues with each listen .
27 Since , due to familiarity , we are more at home with the second notation than the first we shall adopt it for all binary operations .
28 However some people are more at risk than others .
29 People who work outdoors all the time are more at risk here .
30 Some are more at risk .
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