Example sentences of "[be] one [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That 's partly because we 're one of Britain 's biggest building societies .
2 ‘ And unless you 're one of Charity LeVille 's nubile masseuses over from Gros Islet … ’ he 'd reached the bed , and to her horror slung his jacket over a nearby chair and sat down on the edge of the bed , far too close for comfort , continuing in the same bland tone , ‘ … which from the pious clutching of bedclothes I somehow doubt , maybe you 'd like to explain exactly who you are ? ’
3 You 're one of life 's sowers , Andrew . ’
4 The Bill will be a special one in that the political parties are allowing their members in both Houses a free vote because the issue is deemed to be one of conscience .
5 But it was because Aaron said a mildly humorous comment about somebody in one of Whit 's photos who turned out to be one of Whit 's very good friends .
6 Alternatively , parties may be dominated more by individuals than by issues , and the process may be one of competition for political leadership ( Schumpeter , 1954 ) .
7 Where the 80s economy was one of bust-boom-bust , the 90s economy would be one of stability .
8 This image might be one of reliability and technical competence , of innovation or sensitivity to customer needs ( etc ) .
9 One of them , Peter Cornwell , later published a sunlit retrospect of what it was like to be one of Ebor 's ordinands , and how he valued the privilege that the bishop who ordained him was a thinker , as he put it , so profound .
10 In Los Angeles , another place where non-Hispanic whites are a dwindling minority , a 62-year-old white businessman is in a run-off for the mayor 's office against the young Asian-American who has for years been thought to be one of California 's most personable Democrats .
11 Reviving investment will be one of America 's biggest challenges in the next few years .
12 The difference could be one of life or death .
13 Supremely happy not to be one of life 's ‘ practical men ’ .
14 Yet most people would agree that the fax machine has got to be one of life 's easier contraptions to master .
15 He 'd never exactly believed that his life was charmed youngest in a family of seven in Stoke Newington would have been a damned strange place to start out from if that had been the case — but he 'd never believed himself to be one of life 's victims either .
16 Paul worked it out that she must be one of Dr Heatherton 's daughters by his first marriage .
17 The charge against Carter should be one of manslaughter .
18 We found that neither in theory nor in practice need the net effect be one of disincentive .
19 Generalizations about the state of the towns in late medieval England are , however , risky ; each had its own history , which might be very different from that of its neighbour , and it is likely that even when more individual studies have been made of particular towns the general picture will be one of diversity rather than of similarity .
20 HAMMERSMITH in west London , home of some all too visible faceless architecture , has been chosen as the site of what promises to be one of Britain 's most remarkable buildings , an enormous office block designed on natural lines by the Royal Gold Medallist Ralph Erskine , Jonathan Glancey writes .
21 The popularity of the area , which attracts some 2000 hired boats and 3000 private craft in the summer months ( Crawford 1985 ) , is gradually causing the impoverishment of what is generally considered to be one of Britain 's most attractive wetland areas .
22 If one were to suggest to an electronics engineer that he might want to study how a circuit works by pulling bits out and observing changes in function his reaction would probably be one of horror !
23 From now until the catastrophe of 1870 the Emperor 's foreign policy was to be one of expedients and compromises , all of which only served to demean him in the eyes of Europe , while simultaneously underlining how feeble was any form of ‘ court diplomacy ’ faced with the reality of Bismarck 's ‘ blood and iron ’ tactics .
24 Yet for all that he no longer believed the creed in which he had been raised : for all that he fought for a king against an upstart general , for the old order against the new , Karelius recognized that at heart he would always be one of Cromwell 's men .
25 The first is that there may well be disagreement as to whether , on analytical grounds , a question should be deemed to be one of law or fact .
26 Thus some courts have reasoned on the hypothesis that if an issue is deemed to be one of law then this must inevitably involve substitution of judgment on their part .
27 This must be one of Paul 's tapes .
28 The goal on which we would all agree , I suggest , would be one of fairness , whereby resources are distributed and technology applied in the right way .
29 If damage to its structure is bad enough to warrant demolition , its destruction would be one of London 's worst losses since the Second World War .
30 Biggles — we named him that because of his flying , or should I say crashing , antics — had the misfortune to be one of Barny 's babies .
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