Example sentences of "[be] what i 'm " in BNC.

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1 Safe rave tabs — could this be what I 'm looking for ?
2 ‘ History is going to be my subject — modern history — Of course it 's a frightfully easy degree , but it happens to be what I 'm most interested in ’ ( even as she was uttering the words she was aghast ) , ‘ that , and literature naturally , and political journalism . ’
3 Yes I do find that there 's a general thread , an an an and and one would expect that , what I 'm what I 'm guarding against is taking too much notice of precise quotes from from from P P G thirteen .
4 cos you 're far too near whe wha I 'm what I 'm doing .
5 Novelty records are what I 'm really into at the moment .
6 For example , the word ‘ of ’ has the weak form in the following sentence : ‘ I 'm fond of chips ’ but when it comes at the end of the sentence , as in the following example , it has the strong form : ‘ Chips are what I 'm fond of ’ Many of the words given below ( particularly the first nine ) never occur at the end of a sentence , e.g. ‘ the ’ , ‘ your ’ .
7 That 's what I 'm going back to try and sort out . ’
8 ‘ That 's what I 'm trying to explain .
9 That 's what I 'm going out for .
10 ‘ That 's what I 'm afraid of .
11 ‘ That 's what I 'm trying to tell you . ’
12 ‘ That 's what I 'm trying to tell you , ’ Arty said , with a touch of desperation in his voice .
13 ‘ That 's what I 'm waiting to find out .
14 No one has come near to me when it comes to boxing skills , and that 's what I 'm interested in .
15 ‘ That 's what I 'm asking you , ’ Vic persisted .
16 I like the way I dress , though , I 've always had this thing for a sports look , that 's what I 'm aiming for .
17 I think it 's what I 'm aiming for , what I want to say about myself . ’
18 It 's what I 'm trained for . ’
19 At least that 's what I 'm hoping , praying for ’
20 ‘ That 's what I 'm crying for .
21 ‘ That 's what I 'm hopin' they will do , ’ Tim Skerritt said with a grim smile .
22 That 's what I 'm walking the streets for . ’
23 ‘ Something happened , and I do n't know what , and it 's what I 'm here to prevent . ’
24 How many folks did it carry ? ’ and when he refused to answer , added stiffly : ‘ Jess … that 's what I 'm called , ’ as a first move to soften him — and then remembered she was supposed to be a boy .
25 ‘ I 'm really into the guitar playing , because that 's what I 'm about , but there are so many other things that I 'm capable of and so I want to get some of that out there , too .
26 I want to be in a band , because that 's what I 'm strongest at .
27 ‘ Can you knit me a jersey or can you not , that 's what I 'm askin' ? ’
28 ‘ That 's what I 'm trying to tell you .
29 That 's what I 'm trying to do .
30 ‘ That 's what I 'm here for , ’ an inner voice shouted .
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