Example sentences of "[be] all [vb base] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Some designs are fitted wall to wall where shapes , diagonals and borders are all cut and joined together .
2 Three or more it will be all play and if we win it we 've won the game .
3 Is your front page just gon na be all headline and picture , or are you gon na have a bit of story
4 Usually , Fabbiano 's showings drew people very much like his designs , those who were all glitz and no substance .
5 The ‘ Skaters at Broadgate , Liverpool Street Station ’ is all whizz and action .
6 Nelson is emphatic about the frequent misconception that Berlioz is all bluster and little form , pointing out that a composer with roots in Gluck , Mozart , and to a certain extent Beethoven , would hardly take a disorganized approach to presenting his own musical ideas .
7 Britain is all talk and no action .
8 If you actually read what Mitterrand and Kohl said , their words are open to so many interpretations that it is tempting , though wrong , to think that the whole business is all talk and no substance .
9 The right Hon. Gentleman is all talk and no fight .
10 But now it 's all divorce and even the married ones carry on in a very odd way .
11 It 's all mellow and then it just goes ah !
12 it 's all hustle and bustle is n't it ?
13 Try to make time to put your feet up and switch off but do n't be grouchy if you find it 's all work and no play !
14 Right it 's all play and it 's your turn to draw .
15 ‘ Men talk , ’ said Brenda , ‘ and it 's all piss and wind and ends in death . ’
16 After that , it was all willpower and the result was an extraordinary recovery .
17 He was all take and no give .
18 Look at Jessie , only eighteen , and she was all bust and hips .
19 One second John Barnes was all taunt and tease ; the next he stopped dead , like a shot pheasant , and twirled slowly to the Anfield earth .
20 She had a great temptation to rest against him , but he stood with a swift movement that was all anger and sarcasm .
21 It was all smell and I do n't know what it was !
22 It was all debit and no credit . ’
23 But it was all rush and go : one to beat the other .
24 ‘ I was all rush and no rhythm , ’ said Richardson .
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