Example sentences of "[be] turn [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two Daves won various prizes in the lead-up to the big prize — when a professional darts player throws the darts , and his points are turned into pounds for a charity chosen by the contestants .
2 In them you have real situations which are turned into stories with a message , which is just what I do with rap . ’
3 As book-shops are turned into grocery stores , Zambians ' are heading for ‘ intellectual bankruptcy ’ , says President Kenneth Kaunda .
4 Simply expressed , the fact that party politicians are operating within an " unfair " electoral system in which the name of the game is to secure votes in order to win governmental power means that elections are turned into policy auctions in which the parties , through their manifestos , bid for popular support and the highest ( and most irresponsible ) bidder wins all .
5 Apparently industrialised nations and their politicians torture themselves into believing that if Third World countries are turned into amphitheatres of food and agricultural research , lustily cheered on and abetted by Western ‘ gurus ’ , everything will be hunky-dory .
6 It then argues that this very desire for God is God immanent in man 's being and shows how it may , in his particular case , come to inform all sides of his life which are reconciled as they are turned into fuel to feed the fire of love — itself lit in his desire for God .
7 The larger houses are turned into factories .
8 But I just lay there , rigid , as if some wizard was standing over me with his arm raised holding a black wand and declaiming , Robina Marquis you are turned to marble .
9 Eventually they are turned to stone , but they retain not only the outward shape that they had in life , albeit sometimes distorted , but on occasion even their detailed cellular structure is preserved so that you can look at sections of them through the microscope and plot the shape of the blood vessels and the nerves that once surrounded them .
10 The retirement age in Japan is often as low as 50 years , so Japanese old people are turned from producers into consumers long before their time .
11 At the end of August the rains stopped as suddenly as if taps had been turned off September was considered by the English community even under normal conditions to be the most unhealthy month of the year ; while the hot sun resumed its office of drying out the pools of water which had collected on the sodden earth , fever-bearing mists and miasmas hung everywhere .
12 But for the woodwork and some fine saves by Andy Rhodes , defeat would have been turned into debacle as Saints ' defence disintegrated under persistent pressure by their Tayside rivals .
13 With irresistible irony , Adorno and Horkheimer 's brilliant critique of the remythologization of the Enlightenment has itself , in precisely their own terms ( ‘ using the devices of familiarity and straightforward dismissal to avoid the labour of conceptualization ’ ) , been turned into myth .
14 And it 's been turned into fairground attraction … but be warned , you 'll need a strong stomach .
15 Thereafter it was complicated by the immense success of the Daily Mirror , which had been turned into Britain 's first mass market tabloid in 1935 .
16 Had it not been for the activities of Lady Laetitia 's lover , bold Sir Rupert Cartland ( played by an odious young actor who 'd risen to prominence by playing a tough naval lieutenant in a television series ) making with the garlic and the wooden stakes ( a bit of vampire lore crept into the script ) , Lady Laetitia and her father would have been turned into zombies and carried back to the subterranean cave , where they would never be heard of again .
17 But , in keeping with the decline of the Kentish hop industry , they have been turned into weekend retreats for green-wellied Londoners driving trendy 4×4 jeeps .
18 A remarkable hydraulic lift still plies the cliff face between the high promenade and the pier , and there are some imposing villas , but the grandest of grand hotels has been turned into flats .
19 He could see from the number of bells beside each door that they 'd nearly all been turned into flats now , or dentists ' surgeries , and some were in urgent need of renovation , but they still retained some of their former grandeur , or was it pretension ?
20 That house might well have been here that big house just there across th in there which has now been turned into flats .
21 The ‘ Celtic belt ’ was heavily forested in those days , as was Italy in pre-Roman times , and two large , rococo-ceilinged halls in the Palazzo Grassi have been turned into forests .
22 So as to be like his fellows who had been turned into slaves , he slaved tirelessly himself .
23 Most of the cottages , sheltering beneath the high crimson cliffs , have been turned into holiday homes .
24 The result , says André Sacau of Orcofi , a French holding company with stakes in a range of luxury-goods makers , is that ‘ buyers of luxury brands have been turned into bargain-hunters . ’
25 They 'd been there at the wedding , when the wine , that water had been turned into wine .
26 After 4–7 days most of the sugars have been turned into alcohol and the yeast begins to sink to the bottom of the vessel .
27 With the others I felt … on the same side as them because they were saying that they had been tortured themselves in a way , had been turned into animals , tools .
28 ‘ The tyres have been turned at Tyseley and the boxes stripped for inspection .
29 Their painted eyes seemed to be full of a malignant resentment , as if they 'd once been living horses that had been turned to wood by an enchantment .
30 The tradition that stone circles and standing stones are human beings who have been turned to stone because of some misdemeanour is widespread and seems to point to some memory of the ritual use of these sites in ancient times .
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