Example sentences of "[be] because [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 They 're because it 's Sunday .
2 Do n't , do n't lose the basic utility of the system , they 're because you 're irritated by a form that has no , no relevance to you .
3 They formed a proportion of new schools greater than the proportion of children they served ( though this may have been because they were more likely to have suffered from bombing in city centres ) .
4 ‘ I though it must have been because they were accusing each other of sleeping with each other 's husbands , ’ said McLean .
5 At least when he was not with her she now knew where he was but the comfort this brought her was not as complete as it might have been because he was also with Annunciata during those times .
6 This may have been because he was ignorant or stupid but , reading between the lines of Heinz 's file , it is more likely that the foreman had taken against his young charge who was ‘ very intelligent and conceited ’ .
7 It was , accordingly , never certain why Paul Arkwright had tried to commit suicide ; it must , everyone said , have been because he was going mad .
8 The only reason he had not opened the front door had been because he was frightened .
9 Mind you , that could have been because he was happy he 'd got his own way .
10 you know , so the rebellion against him could just as easily have been because he was raised as an Egyptian or that , that the , you know the between monarchism from the past could also have been .
11 yeah there 's a muse th th there 's a museum at Carne in Normandy , I do n't know if anyone 's been there , we went there last year , and it , it 's a new museum , a memorial museum and that 's the most moving place I 've ever been because it 's actually designed to show how awful war is and that it should n't happen again , it 's not a museum glorifying war , it 's a museum showing that , that it should n't happen , we should n't let it happen and there 's a erm there 's a great big case as you go in which has er a statement from every country that took part in the war , including Germany , and they 're all there , they 're all there together saying that you should n't you should n't let it happen and , and and I , I thought that was the sort o you know i i it was very impressive because i it was n't glorifying anybody , it was n't saying we won the war , you lost the war it was it was a , a coming together to say that it should n't happen .
12 about people to think to them after they 've been because it 's so stressful .
13 If your original application was rejected by some or all of the institutions you listed , this might have been because it was delayed and did not reach the admissions tutor until after the course was full .
14 There has been some confusion — I do not know why there should have been because it was made clear last night by the Secretary of State for Wales — about the position of students .
15 They are where they are because they are experienced , professional and talented .
16 ( 3 ) There is a modern attempt to defend what is called objectivism in ethics which turns on viewing both facts and values as essentially social constructs which are what they are because they are either what society drills us into accepting or what exceptional individuals can persuade us follow from the procedures we have been drilled into accepting as correct .
17 We shall not have a complete theory until we can do more than merely say that ‘ things are as they are because they were as they were . ’
18 Indeed , some people have gone so far as to elevate these restrictions on the initial conditions and the parameters to the status of a principle , the anthropic principle , which can be paraphrased as , ‘ Things are as they are because we are .
19 It is the way boys are because it is the way adults are .
20 You do n't have to draw the continent and oceans exactly as they are because it 's a diagram .
21 There are a lot of archives , but there are even more archives than you imagine there are because there are actually erm a huge number of archives in private houses and castles in Germany that are not public archives , and a lot of people do n't even know about these .
22 He tells me to stay where I am because he 's coming to fetch me .
23 right , well , I 'm , I 'm not worried about the point as to whether it arise out of cross examination , I seldom am because there is always erm can be an opportunity for further cross examination if the other party wants to , so er on the grounds of the objection I , I , I do n't uphold it you can ask that if you like , but er I do want the jury always to keep their eye on that what really is the issue in the case er certainly from the defendants point of view , I know what you say
24 I I just appealing for MPs and I know you have the radio on just to see if I 'm being rude about you , and of course I never am because I 'm a I 'm a nice person .
25 I am because I 'm being kept in here and I might wan na stay
26 By the end of it all the mind-body problem will loom large — but this may be because we are now a little closer to it .
27 It 's quite hard work for some of us to take this seriously , but that may be because we are not very good at loving ourselves or trusting life .
28 The pattern is very much first half er , erm , loss or small profit , second half all the profit and in fact you should watch out for the bigger , the bigger Addison Wesley gets , the more the loss in the second half will be because we 're investing for that sale
29 Mind you there again it 's cheaper than it should be because we 're paying it on VAT , you know , it , er , they must think we 're fools
30 Now this may be because we 're on the way from one position to another , or it may be a traditional British approach , but I find this personally a great source of pressure because on the one hand I recognise as a parent myself one 's going to have a crucial interest in the education of one 's child , on the other hand how one reconciles those hundreds of different philosophies and then superimposes upon it a professional approach is , I suppose , the greatest single source of strain I find running a large secondary school , particularly , as I said before , in the end the responsibility in law is mine .
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