Example sentences of "[be] just [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 He 'd had to walk on for quite a bit after that and it was quite late in the day when it occurred to him that the villagers had probably been just having a joke with him and that they would no doubt be feeling anxious by then and starting to worry .
2 I no longer believe that I am just writing a treatment of her life .
3 This applies whether you are just rearranging a room , thinking of buying some new items , or have just moved in and are starting from scratch .
4 Other sites are just taking a subset of the data , perhaps their own county and a few others nearby .
5 And Wright , whose misery over the weekend was compounded when he wasted a glorious chance to rescue a point for Arsenal , added : ‘ Some people are just having a go at me for the sake of it and it 's beginning to get to me . ’
6 " Oh Jim , " we can say , " we are just having a little chat about the I.R.A . "
7 If you are just starting a new job of any kind this morning , your first day , then do n't worry , it does n't matter what you do , the odds on the first two things they 'll show you is , where the toilet is , and how to load paper into the photocopier .
8 She said : ‘ The message is that the UK government could n't care less , they are just applying a Band-Aid to a mortal wound . ’
9 You 're just buying a house .
10 They 're just taking a bit too much on .
11 ‘ I think they 're just taking a look around . ’
12 We 're just taking a bag , we 'll come back for the rest when the wind 's gone down . "
13 They 're just taking a well-earned break from publicising the Lifeline Africa Appeal that 's just been launched by the Northampton-based charity , World Vision .
14 did they actually have to claim how much , I mean er you know they produced , cos all we 're saying here is they 're just taking a a nominal amount which they stipulate at the beginning of a three year period , and they 're just gon na take that .
15 However , we also went on further down the road , I think you 're just getting a little confused here , which on , by Thursday , is not surprising .
16 Erm you created er your own problem by saying how long is it since you 've seen an F P representative you 're just building a barrier up again .
17 ‘ They 're just having a good time . ’
18 Y yes we 're just we 're just having a look at the the spellings at the moment trying to make some sense of them .
19 They 're just having a just having a review and they 've told Mick that his lads are going to be civilianised .
20 ‘ Oh , we 're just having a slurp . ’
21 — But we 're just married a couple of months .
22 At first , you 're just playing a fast game of Tetris , and then you 're suddenly confronted by a whole new set of liths ( the proper name for the shapes ) .
23 So we 're not actually changing your water tablets as such , we 're just knocking a little bit off and leaving you just on the Frusamide bit of your water tablet , okay ?
24 ‘ We 're just finishing a rubber , Nicky , my sweet , we wo n't be long , ’ Louise said .
25 I mean we 're just giving a little bit of temporary relief in a situation which just seems to be getting worse and worse .
26 Now what has happened in the last decade or so , through the advent of radioastronomy , is that we 've discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they 're just chock a block with very intriguing molecules , many of which are just the sort of things we would expect to be in the prebiotic soup .
27 I mean , we 're not , erm , we 're just simplifying a very complex situation , and in fact , probably large numbers of genes are , are involved , and they 're , there are probably complex interactions between different sorts of altruism. kin altruism will certainly function within families for reasons that we 've just been looking at , but this will also be a fertile and erm , encouraging er , framework for sibling altruism .
28 And you 're just starting a research ?
29 Well Ray say , i i I mean it 's important that we yo you find out whether you are depressive , whether you have er ag , oh , something clinically wrong with you , whether you 're just feeling a bit down .
30 They 're just doing a kind of tour of loads and loads of houses cos they keep moving with his job .
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