Example sentences of "[be] good for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest solution might appear to be to ban battery cages altogether and keep all hens free range or in percheries : but this presupposes that these alternatives really are better for the birds .
2 They say things are better for the bairns now since they brought the hours down to ten , but some of the pigs get over that .
3 There 's certainly a feeling that such labours are ‘ easy ’ , and studies have shown that they are better for the baby — rapid deliveries mean less chance of the baby becoming distressed and therefore involve fewer forceps deliveries and Caesarean sections .
4 Whenever Keith has been good for a day Mr Smith should watch a programme on the television with him .
5 T'would have done you no harm , and been good for the
6 Sam could sing and play the concertina and violin , and he must have been good for the BBC to come all the way to Baldersdale to find him .
7 It might have been good for the dockies , but it were n't no good for the lighterman .
8 What is beyond question is that British membership has been good for the EEC ; not only do British taxpayers and consumers bear the cost of the CAP , the CFP , the Common External Tariff and the Cohesion budget , but Britain constitutes an artificial captive market for the exporters of the Eleven .
9 The continuing strength of the dollar has been good for the group , as many shipbuilding and most shipping contracts are priced in dollars , and both Finland and Norway have gained a competitive edge against both the US and Germany .
10 The political ground could not have been better for a new middle party and many , including myself , thought that they could well achieve the breakthrough they sought .
11 I think he 'd been better for a long time on and off
12 Do n't you think that perhaps it might have been better for the oil companies to have perhaps done more at an earlier stage , in the the safety side of things ?
13 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
14 If that is the case , would it not have been better for the hon. Gentleman to keep his own counsel when he stated publicly that we were bound to fail in our negotiations ?
15 they live in the , a beautiful house , a little house , old , very old and erm they always said there was a secret passage underneath and my , my uncle er used to er he used , he named , he named some locks , my uncle did a till lock and when I star began to work there er they were called Salmon Baits and er Mr said to me you know he said er it 's your un they used to call him Trot , my uncle , it 's your uncle Trot that named them and I said was it and it was a till lock and they could n't get them right er they were having trouble with these particular till locks , and er my uncle said to Mr when he went around they were having trouble and he said , all these locks all these things are good for a bait for Salmon and then they were called Salmon Bait and they were traded as Salmon Bait so
16 Clothes like this are good for the location filming on Going Live — warm , comfortable and bright , which is vital for TV
17 Global warming is one area of ecological concern where the solutions are good for the economy , by being good for the consumer and good for businesses alike .
18 With a high sense not only of justice but of dramatic effect he informed the judge that the only courses open to him were ‘ either to resign your post , or inflict on me the severest penalty if you believe that the system and law you are assisting to administer are good for the people ’ .
19 Waters believes local anaesthetics are good for the patient and good for the surgeon : ‘ A conscious patient is , after all , monitoring your every move , so you have to be extra gentle .
20 We choose our customers carefully : only those who can underwrite the loan , give pledges that they are good for the money they have borrowed .
21 By making products sound as if they are good for the environment , manufacturers can ‘ attract extra sales from around a third of the population ’ .
22 I think that the I think the question of that really , I 'm trying to , I ca n't quite frankly , I think that 's Mike Kirkham in this who particularly investigated that one , but I think that basically what we were really saying was on what I was saying earlier on is that if you make it too difficult for the employers , you 're going to take away the incentive to run a final salary scheme , you know that you know I think basically final salary pension schemes are good for the employee , you know , I think that was what our fundamental thinking of on that was .
23 Even though a ‘ conspiracy of doves ’ would be better for every single individual than the evolutionarily stable strategy , natural selection is bound to favour the ESS .
24 There are elections at all levels where it can be better for a party to have a low turn-out overall because those who do vote will tend to be your people .
25 For example , people aged 18-plus may be a more appropriate denominator for a building society , and private households may be better for a double-glazing contractor .
26 It would probably still be better for an asthmatic than other , fully-furred breeds , but there is little point in taking a risk with it when there is the more suitable Cornish Rex available .
27 ‘ We 'll both be better for an early night .
28 ‘ It will be better for the event and better for the sport .
29 It would surely be better for the case of female representation in the letters page ( 8 May ) if the concerned person of gender were not to write in from Hampton Wick .
30 Personally , I have no strong views on substitution or replacement , but it would be better for the image of the game as a whole if sham injuries were removed by allowing teams to substitute players if they so wished .
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