Example sentences of "[be] just and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While their criticism of reductionism is just and their emphasis on ‘ downward ’ causation ( mind influencing matter ) timely , it seems to me that the problem of ‘ interactionism ’ largely disappears when the systemic position of information processing in the life of a subjectively aware organism is understood .
2 ‘ The most blameworthy acts are so often absolved by success that the boundary between what is permitted and what is prohibited , what is just and what is unjust , has nothing fixed about it , but seems susceptible to almost arbitrary change by individuals . ’
3 In controversial matters such as care involved in industrial relations there is room for difference of opinion as to what is expedient , what is just and what is morally justifiable .
4 In controversial matters such as are involved in industrial relations there is room for differences of opinion as to what is expedient , what is just and what is morally justifiable .
5 And all she 's done like is just and you ca n't say no .
6 It 's just and it 's so , it 's like it was raining the other day when we went to go out and just could not be bothered .
7 Oh it 's not it 's just and I 'll walk down and er I will bring him some biscuits back
8 And it came home to me that you know we all had to come to terms in some way with erm with what it was all about and the kids and you know and it became something of a I mean i it was the experience that we went through you know it was i it was you know something that we 'll always remember I think because it 'll always make Christmas different I think for us in a way you know but it And when they came up from South Wales with car loads and van loads and I mean we all just sobbed you know I mean there was nothing to do really you know it was just and I think anyway that was Christmas , but I mean er .
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