Example sentences of "[be] only when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's with an apostrophe is an abbreviation for it is , because you never , and I I think those three little rules there only apply only nouns have an apostrophe , pronouns never have an apostrophe and it 's only nouns ending in s , have an apostrophe and it 's only when they own the thing that follows , except when they , when they do n't end with an s , but you know the exception of men 's , women 's , children 's and sheep .
2 But it 's only when they 're in a crowd but course , among that crowd are some that are bad and some that are good get carried along with them , that 's
3 We do n't expect to do it overnight , though — it 's only when we are performing at a consistently high level that customers can forget some of their previous unsatisfactory experiences .
4 we had four kids I mean now it 's only when we get visitors you know when
5 But she said she does n't need them for Monday because it 's only when she takes the tests she gets in a panic not when she 's she said she can do it in the practice classes .
6 The script kept sending out these little signals ( 'It 's only when there 's land around that sea travel becomes really interesting' ) but it was possible to take them as evidence not of exhaustion but of apprehension about the project .
7 He saw something erm he saw a cat and he zoomed out the front door and he was gone and it 's only when he lost sight of the cat he thought about where he was
8 There 's nothing wrong with being friends — it 's only when you do summat selfish it 's wrong .
9 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
10 And if you get It 's only when you get oily greasy stains that you think , oh I 'd better some ethanol or
11 The front of the machine sports some graceful curves , but it 's only when you take a peek round the back that you get some inkling that this one is different .
12 Technology is changing our world so much that small groups of people through computers and elsewhere are able to determine vast patterns of human behaviour and so it 's gon na be a long struggle but through our struggle in Africa and your struggle here where we all want democracy but democracy 's only a process what we have to contend with is also power because ultimately it 's only when you 're able to exercise that power that you can deliver for the majority of the people .
13 So I said well it 's only when you 've just had a baby like , you know , like cows .
14 ‘ You know it 's only when I 've had a drink I stop hearing those damned machines . ’
15 That 's brilliant but that 's only when it makes an E sound .
16 Often it is only when their disposal did not go as planned that their existence or the fact that they once existed comes to the historian 's attention .
17 If you ask old people whether they ever think of themselves as old , they tell you it is only when they are ill or feeling very unhappy .
18 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
19 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
20 But it is only when we see conversion as a miraculous , radical and gracious act of God , that there is an adequate basis and motivation for church growth .
21 Birds , fish and invertebrates provide some fascinating instances of the use of tools , but it is only when we come to the mammals , and particularly the primates , that tool using begins to approach anything like its full potential .
22 I do expect occasionally to have temper , because it is only when we are discussing the right subjects that temper will arise : if people lose their tempers it is because they are emotionally involved in the problem , and we are probably talking on a subject which needs to be aired .
23 Tumin maintains that ‘ It is only when there is a genuinely equal access to recruitment and training for all potentially talented persons that differential rewards can conceivably be justified as functional .
24 Where there is more extensive liver damage there may be ascites , but it is only when there is massive invasion , comparable to acute fascioliasis in sheep , that death occurs .
25 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
26 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
27 Everything I have learnt teaches me that it is only when you work with rather than against people that achievement and lasting success is possible .
28 Some members of the crew had been sitting in the bows and it was only when they denied having seen her that he began to search seriously .
29 His tale was verified by another member of the party Hawick 's B international hooker Jim Hay , who recounted that his fellow Teri , Jim Renwick , had been so intent on chasing and tackling the electrifyingly quick Eric Rush that he had failed to notice a helicopter land on the pitch and it was only when they felt the down-draft from the rotor blades that they put on the anchors .
30 They said that in a political situation , if you had one side you could call it the thesis , say capitalism was the thesis and communism was the other side and that was the antithesis and that these two would one another and it was only when they came together and got their good points both of them adopted , that one was really going to get a satisfactory solution .
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