Example sentences of "[be] say [ex0] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Of a sudden the room was quiet , and when she turned from the mirror and stood before the three elderly sisters , it could almost be said there were tears in their eyes , and in her own .
2 Even if he did count six kegs , who 's to say there were n't more stacked away in another part of the freight car ? ’
3 It was said there were some 40,000 Chinese in Chinatown , and I gravitated there to indulge my long-time love of the Orient .
4 But erm she was saying there were a group that she sort of went were alongside their group which were the
5 There were these two men there , talking , and one was saying there was trouble at Serenity , some problem about a ship trying to come down without an Eladeldi registration .
6 Yes , I should like to bring in erm support about the first lady about the her child , but actually I 've more agreement with the last woman speaker when she was saying there was too much saturation about the Gulf .
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