Example sentences of "[be] say [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He asked why it was said that if Denmark and Britain rejected the treaty they would have to leave the EC , when this had not been said of France or Germany .
2 Whatever may be true of the world , and , as follows from what has been said of necessitation , our conception of an effect is not a conception of an event that occurs if a usual background exists , or an event which follows on something required for it , but might not have occurred , or a merely probable event .
3 It could have been said of Ralph too .
4 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
5 Much of what has been said with reference to TV also applies to radio .
6 Something similar could have been said for Davout .
7 My name is I have been a shareholder and other members of my family for many years much has already been said about directors ' and your particular erm , fees in particular .
8 It 's interesting that despite all that 's been said about migration and I 'll come back to it , but we actually start , the county and ourselves , from the same point , more or less , within about four four dwelling I think .
9 This is one of those most probable state explanations , and may be compared with what has been said about meanders and beach cusps .
10 Hence , the leaden delivery of some Euro-platitudes , by a woman who really ought to be able to do a better job of reading other people 's speeches after 40 years of doing little else , carries more political import than anything else that has been said about Europe since the election .
11 Simple-minded people sometimes think that everything 's been said about Hollywood .
12 What has been said about Tolkien 's poetry has an immediate bearing on that most attractive but least tractable subject , ‘ Tolkien 's mythology ’ .
13 Given what has already been said about identity , it is unlikely that we shall find in the anorexic a unity of text .
14 This kind of thing has been said about Hamlet , to whom , as I say , Kelman alludes , and more than alludes .
15 ENOUGH has been said about George Harrison and the Natural Law Party .
16 Much has been said on North South dialogues ; some sense and some nonsense .
17 Counsellors need to develop their skills of listening , attending , acknowledging , and reflecting back to clients what has been said through summary or paraphrase .
18 It therefore follows that in my view , that it is consonant with the requirements of P P G three , particularly paragraph thirty three , that a new settlement should be part of the housing and employment strategy of the Greater York area , that it does not conflict , in my view , with the consultation draft of P P G thirteen which really embodies much of what has already been said in P P G three and twelve with regard to travel issues .
19 The clause cited from the will , however , is not a pure example of a trust clause , for its purpose is not purely to confirm in trust form what has already been said in civil-law terms .
20 It means asking promoting questions and also repeating what seems to have been said in order to ask for clarification .
21 This submission appears to me to suggest a way of making more effective proceedings in Parliament by allowing the court to consider what has been said in Parliament as an aid to resolving an ambiguity which may well have become apparent only as a result of the attempt to apply the enacted words to a particular case .
22 It has been said in defence of such publications that those who allow themselves to be depicted indecently are thereby ‘ waiving their own privacy rather than impeding or intruding upon that of others ’ .
23 On the other hand , his political opponents suffered too : Lord Lytton 's speech was so bad that many people had great difficulty in understanding him , and because his deafness did not allow him to take part in debates , everyone was often forced to wait until the next day for any reply from Lord Lytton because he would insist on reading what had been said in Hansard , the Parliamentary publication , before making his own speech .
24 My first rule of journalism goes back to something which was written down or reputed to have been said by H L Mencken , who was a , an American prize-winning journalist and commentator .
25 While behind-the-scenes the Americans were discussing remarks alleged to have been said by Gary Player .
26 I agree with a great deal that has been said by Mr .
27 To the same effect was Rex v. Bland ( 1740 ) 7 Mod.Rep. 355 , and in 1794 in Rex v. Bishop of Ely , 5 Durn. & E. 475 Lord Kenyon C.J. regarded what had been said by Holt C.J. as settled law .
28 The Yes Minister television series obviously deals in caricature , yet it has been said by insiders to be alarmingly close to the realities of the British political system .
29 Hoffmann J. [ 1991 ] B.C.C. 658 in his judgment on the hearing of the motion , referred to what had been said by Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. , sitting in the Court of Appeal in Cloverbay Ltd .
30 In this context , people are said to practice female mutilation as a habit .
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