Example sentences of "[be] that [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 Feelings within the BBC are that somebody has to go and that the 69-year-old Mr Hussey is likely to be the one .
2 One might , for instance , use the maxim to infer that because Eeyore 's sigh is a non-linguistic action , it 's a better sign that he 's out of thistles than Rabbit 's words are that he has some honey .
3 If you ca n't find these three files then the chances are that someone has deleted then to save space .
4 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
5 But these days , with space at a premium , a room kept solely for dining is rare ; the chances are that it has to double as a work room , say for hobbies like model making , or as a quiet place where the family can get on with homework , studying or other paperwork .
6 Since then he has been seen by the right-wing as Maggie 's prince-in-waiting , but his skill has been that he has remained very much in favour with the Major Government where his ability and amiability won him respect .
7 But the most important flaw in the instruction has been that it has been too often divorced from the classroom itself and from the active involvement of the teacher .
8 According to Carl Chilley , principal business services consultant , the problem with distributed computing has been that it has encouraged the development of technology for technology 's sake , without real thought as to how to implement it effectively in a business environment .
9 This proved to be a fateful oversight since one of the most devastating criticisms to be levelled at Keynesian macroeconomics in recent years has been that it has such shaky foundations in microeconomics .
10 So successful has the state system been that it has lost only about 1 per cent of its operations to a private competitor under the system of tendering for the provision of local passenger services that was also introduced by the 1988 rail reforms .
11 It is difficult to be precise about the outcome , but again the general impression seems to be that there has been no significant and continuing deterioration , and some well-placed observers thought that behaviour had , on the whole , improved .
12 On a Sunday at family worship , it may be that there has been a rush to get to the service .
13 It may be that there has been a failure of performance in a key area .
14 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
15 If a patient returns after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy and is still found to be harbouring the ubiquitous pus cell in the urethra , then it may well be that he has reinfected himself from his , as yet untreated , sexual partner .
16 It could well be that someone has tried to make this look like murder followed by suicide . ’
17 Where soil is being removed slowly it may be that it has built up in layers and a ‘ case hardening ’ effect is experienced .
18 The terms of this argument repeat exactly those of the critical debate about univocal meaning , according to which the only alternative to the idea that history has a single meaning must be that it has none at all .
19 The design of an aircraft structure falls into this category as the preferred solution for a component design would be that it has zero mass and infinite strength .
20 Kevin Irving 's ‘ father ’ writes to admit that he 's Pope , Chas F Garvey 's that he has been faithful to his wife for 42 years , and Mark Ambrose 's that he has a dash of myxomatosis ( to be fair , the father is a rabbit ) .
21 Kevin Irving 's ‘ father ’ writes to admit that he 's Pope , Chas F Garvey 's that he has been faithful to his wife for 42 years , and Mark Ambrose 's that he has a dash of myxomatosis ( to be fair , the father is a rabbit ) .
22 If Armstrong has a disadvantage , then it 's that he has n't got a passenger seat .
23 My attitude is that somebody has to do the job and if I get bumped off , I have experienced much more than the average bloke .
24 ‘ The only thing that can be said is that somebody has just snuffed out a very special person who was going to achieve an incredible amount in life .
25 A problem with diagnosing lipid disorders is that everyone has been obsessed with examining fasting specimens , a requirement which presents two obstacles for diabetics .
26 ‘ The important thing is that everyone has a blinding time , ’ says Dermot with the quiet confidence of a promoter who never promises attractions he ca n't deliver .
27 The first is that everyone has work but no one really works .
28 The great thing is that everybody has been to the cinema , and many have had a strange experience there . ’
29 He said : My impression is that what has been going on over a period of years has come from , or been led by , a small mafia group of MI5 who have contacts outside in one or two sections of the press , and a few self-appointed private enterprise security agents .
30 Er the situation is that what has happened is that government has lowered the mandatory ceiling from fifty thousand to twenty thousand .
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