Example sentences of "[be] not that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to this view the space opened by figural language is not that between metaphoric and proper terms , but that between two or more equally figural terms , which , in Brooke-Rose 's case , are two or more discourses .
2 It is not that on the borders of logic there is a loose form called argument from analogy , but that all thinking starts from a spontaneous discrimination of the like and the unlike , and tendency to group the similar in categories and expect similar consequences from similar conditions .
3 The most notable thing about the Rough Wooing is not that in the end the savagery of the English attack drove the Scots away from the new idea of friendship with England and back into the arms of their natural and ancient allies , the French .
4 It is not that in desperate circumstances we discover ourselves to be natural egoists and throw off moral restraints , it is rather that morality no longer applies .
5 After all , just look round any bar and you 'll see that everybody there , myself included ( you too if it 's your kind of bar ) , has in their time been both The Boy and The Older Man , both Banker and Domestic , Ingenue and Other Woman , booted Prince and stirrup-holding Groom — but I do n't mean either that you should have complete license to make him look just how you wish ; I do n't want to think of anyone hearing this story and grinning and thinking of Boy as some permanently , conveniently smiling blue-eyed blonde , because he was not that in any way and that is not what he meant to us .
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